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tv   Fox 45 Morning News  FOX  October 28, 2013 6:00am-9:00am EDT

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unveiling it today. i found it here. >> i think you've got it. >> it is my fusion juir, my low-induction motor. i'll tell you why that's important in a minute. and i'll tell you exactly what this baby can do in a second. but i want to start with the basics. look, you see all this stuff. it might be too daunting for some people. so the humble apple is what i'm going to start with. nothere's an old saying, corny as it is, is an apple a day... >> all: keeps the doctor away! >> well, i'm pleased to say that there's one doctor who didn't keep away today, and that is dr. mike, m.d., internal medicine specialist. give him a warm welcome, everybody. >> yay, dr. mike! [cheering and applause] >> and he's going to tell us a bit more about that apple, my man. >> jenny: good catch! [applause] >> jason, i gotta tell you, you know, we have lost our way in this country. we're eating things, jason, that look the same after you put them in the garage for a year. look at this beautiful apple. this is something from nature. what's in there? pectin for one, pectin: soluble fiber that may actually
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reduce your cholesterol. >> jenny: that's a good thing. [applause] i'll take it. >> simple, simplicity and natural. what about quercetin? that's another entity, another anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. and jason, you know as well as i that antioxidants do all kinds of wonderful things. will most definitely really aid in getting you healthy. >> c'mon. >> all right! [applause] >> dr. mike, m.d.! so that's what's in the apple, right? but we want to unlock the goodness that's contained in that apple and nothing could be easier with the new fusion juicer. [soft whirring...] >> wait, you just turned that on. >> yeah, i've turned it on, you can't hear it. it's one of the key things. >> you can't even hear it. >> well, you don't want to wake the neighbors or the kids up, right? >> right. >> o.k., whole apple, going in as it is-- i'm not chopping it, i'm not peeling it and i'm getting-- now the reason why it's so iet, we have a low-induction motor, all right? we can see the juice being made as well-- that's important in terms of the nutri... we don't want to create heat friction. we want the best quality juice
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that we can possibly get... >> and look at that... >> you can see the juice being made as well. >> color, i love seeing it going around in here too. and look at that.uicing. i want to turn it off but it's still juicing, you know, that's the thing. >> get every last drop. >> this is the key, it extracts so much juice, that's why i love this baby, right? and also this. >> very clever. >> not dripping all over the thing-- very good. >> nice job, whoo-hoo! >> this looks amazing, right? that looks fantastic. it's only when you put it up against what i call shop-bought carton apple juice. the reason why this looks like this and this looks like that is simply because this has been cooked. we think of food being cooked-- >> and they call that pasteurized. >> yeah, they call it pasteurization. well, i call it cooked. and we know that when we cook food we know that we lower the nutrient content, of course. so we have cooked this and this is still alive. i don't know about you, jenny, but you know, in order to feel-- >> i'll take that. >> yeah, of course you will. >> thank you. >> in order toeel it-- >> you can have that. >> i don't want this. i've got to be honest with you. in order to feel alive, you've got to eat live foods. tastes fantastic, huh? >> well, if you think juice like this tastes amazing and looks incredible, wait until you see the amazing results our juicing program. with my fusion juicer,
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you're not just getting a great juicing machine, you're getting a proven program included with every juicer at no additional cost to you. >> well, my husband michael and i, over the last five years have gained about 30 pounds each. he's had high cholesterol and i have gained almost 35 pounds. we really were just looking for something to help us get out of the treadmill that we were on. the 6-week turnaround absolutely d what it said it was going to do. my husband has lost 23 pounds. i hate him because it made me feel like i hadn't done enough when losing 11 pounds. but 11 pounds in six weeks is tremendous when in the last year and a half i haven't been able to lose a pound. >> man, my energy was through the roof, i felt good. then i started losing pounds. i felt light and of course, i have... this to show for it. >> annouer: coming up... he was knocking on death's door. >> man: yeah, no, i was morbidly
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obese actually. and i was about this far from the whole thing ending. >> announcer: and meet a 93-year-old champion bodybuilding sensation and his secret juice recipe. and success story after success story, including a miraculous teenage turnaround and some life-changing advice from a leading expert on nutrition and natural healing. stay tuned. over the past 30 years, our fast food lifestyles have helped to create this health crisis, with an increase in heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes, and it's starting at an early age. it's becoming a worldwide epidemic. but there is a solution-- natural, nutrient-rich whole foods and an easy way to help rejuvenate, restore and cleanse your body with potentially life-changing nutrients that can be the secret to incredible health transformations and even weight loss. introducing the technologically-advanced fusion juicer, the rapid nutrition miracle. the fast way to feed your body the vital nutrients it needs. the fusion juicer's low-induction motor quickly breaks food down into a super
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nutrient-rich juice that can be absorbed easier. providing your body with high-nutrient juice is a great way to start rebuilding the cells in your body. >> the body is a miraculous self-healing machine, and when you institute excellent nutrition, the body's natural tendency to heal takes over. >> announcer: the changes a juicing lifestyle-- including proper nutrition and exercise-- can have on your life are nothing short of miraculous. why bother with slow juicers? they can take forever while you chop up all the fruit and vegetables, and they're hard to clean. so-called fast, powerful juicers are loud. their high-r.p.m. engines create heat, and heat can destroy nutrients. and both these juicers cost almost twice as much as the whisper-quiet fusion juicer. the fusion juicer produces up to 30% more juice, and with our non-drip spout, there's no leftover juicing mess on your counter. but more than that, the fusion juicer is so easy to clean-- just rinse or pop into the dishwasher. you could spend over $500 for an expensive juicer that doesn't
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have the fusion juicer's low-induction, high-nutrient power. but you won't pay 500, 300 or even 200. call now and get the entire fusion juicer system complete with its lifetime motor guarantee for just six payments of $19.99. but hold on. call in the next 18 minutes and we'll also send you the amazing fusion juicer raw remedies and juice recipes book. juice your way to health with over 100 nutrient-rich recipes that address concerns like muscle and joint stiffness, stress and lack of energy, recipes to help reduce cholesterol, even control weight. and to help you achieve these goals, you'll also get the amazing fusion juicer 6-week turnaround program. starting this program can put you on a road to positive changes in sleep quality, cholesterol levels, inflammation and other important health markers. together, this $40 value is yours free when you order. but that's not all. order today and get this free bonus that can turn your nutrient-packed juice into a super-charged nutrient-packed wellness drink on the go. boost your juices with super antioxidants like powdered green
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tea and acai powder to cleanse and lose weight. boost with magnesium and calcium for bone and joint health. add protein powder to your juice for a complete amino acid enriched meal on the go. all of these boosting recipes are online. simply fill the personal-sized travel bottle with fusion juice, and boost it with healthy ingredients of your choice. in an instant, you'll make a super-charged wellness drink you can take with you in the convenient to-go bottle and enjoy anytime. the fusion booster is an incredible $40 value, but it's yours free with your order. and better still, we'll ship the entire fusion juicer system to you for free. that's right, free shipping and handling. you get everything you see here: the incredible fusion juicer, our very special raw remedies and juice recipe guide, the fusion juicing 6-week program, and the incredible fusion booster. that's over $80 in free bonuses and your very own fusion juicer in the color of your choice, all for just six payments of $19.99 with free shipping. and if you're not completely satisfied, return the fusion juicer for a complete refund of
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the purchase price and keep the fusion booster as our special gift to you. if you want to unlock the true nutrient power of whole food juicing and enjoy the benefits of rapid nutrition, there's no better way than with the technologically-advanced fusion juicer. to get your own fusion juicer and your bonus fusion booster, you have to call the number on your screen or go to this offer is not available in stores, so order now. >> i always say, if you're going to juice you need to juice when your stomach is empty. you can almost guarantee your stomach is empty first thing in the morning. start your day right. >> this is going to be quick, right? >> this is going to be really quick. >> i'm going to time it. >> i just want to show you how quick juicing can be. o.k., in my fusion juicer, two carrots going in like i said, super fast, while retaining the nutrients as well. whole orange going in. got the beautiful vitamin c going in. ginger, which is like doctor juice. that is just like a powerhouse going in there. and then of course, you've got grapefruit going in straight after that. now-- >> the color. >> the color as it's being made looks beautiful.
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as we get all the juice out, all the juice out. look, it still continues to juice. tons of juice. o.k. and we are done. o.k., how fast was that? >> 24 seconds. >> 24 seconds for breakfast. 24 seconds. [cheering and applause] >> pretty amazing. >> now that's a super fast breakfast, right? >> that is. i was just thinking as we did this, i could not go to a coffee shop and pick up a doughnut and a coffee in 24 seconds. >> that's what i love about juicing more than anything else is the flexibility of juicing with the fusion juicer. you can juice all fruits and vegetables and it's the best way to start the day. just by having one juice a day, you start to feel the results almost immediately. >> man: i had very bad sleep apnea. i was borderline type-2 diabetic, elevated triglycerides and cholesterol. i was over 400 pounds and after i made that-- had that sort of epiphany and changed my focus from diet to finding the real reasons why my body wanted to be fat, i then went on to lose over 200 pounds. i lost about 220 pounds over a 2-1/2-year period and that was
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seven years ago. >> please welcome mr. jon gabriel! [cheering and applause] thank you for coming. >> oh, there they are! [cheering and applause] there they are. >> that's a lot of pants. a lot of material. >> you can fit all of you on one side of that now, jon, right? >> yeah, and i think i can get in there too-- look at that. >> you can get in there, no problem at all, listen-- >> i think that's the first time anyone has wanted to get in these pants. [laughter] >> this is one of your favorite juices, right? >> definitely. i call this the power loss because it gives you power in your cells, helps your body to lose weight. and for me, it's all about greens because greens have life force vitality. but how do you do greens and make them taste good? that's what this is. >> yeah, that's the key. >> o.k., so what we're going to start, we're going to start with some celery and some carrots and we're just going to put it right in-- i love this. >> straight in. look at the color, look at e colors being made in this juice. >> this is kale and spinach, full of greens. >> this is the key thing you just said. it's got to taste good as well. we've got to get the greens in and it tastes good. >> i'll take a cucumber. >> o.k., now watch this. the whole cucumber going in, no chopping, no peeling and look
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how much juice you're tting. >> you na lile bitft to even out eetns , righ muchweet igointo elevateo th's the thing, lo in there. look at that... betifu >> can i telyou somethin jason? i don't just like this juicer, i love this juicer, and the is 'cause i don't have time tout vegables, you know. i us to ve ts sl press juicer. >> yeah, yeah. >> it would take me a half hour to c vegetable i'd be putting a celery stalk through and waiting for it, clicclk-click-click. i've bn looking for something exactly like this that'soing to have the nutrients, going to help you preservthe nutrients. but you're goingo be able to feed the juice straight through. >> that's the key-- you still wanted the quality, ght, without having to go through the whole process. that's what we d. we fused two different technologies in one juicer. >> this was-- i kid you not, when i said this was an answer to my prayers. this was exactly what i was looking for. >> yeah, i was looking for it too. now you're all looking and thinking, i wonder if this tastes good. because it's all about the taste. you mentioned that. you want to get greens in, but you want to make sure they taste good. it's got to be enjoyable, right?
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and no wonder, that is delicious. jon, thank you very much. that is a powerhouse of nutrition and it tastes delicious. with juice like the power loss jon just made, you're absorbing nutrients quickly. you're feeding the essential needs of your body. and if you follow my program, you can experience change-- positive change-- that can stay with you for a very long and vibrant life. >> my glucose levels dropped from 127 to 113 inside of a six-week period. i'm hooked on my fusion juicer. i love it very much. it's my friend. >> in six weeks, i have changed my metabolism. in six weeks, i have a tremendous amount of energy. this is not just a 6-week turnaround program, not for me. this will be a part of my life. for as long as i can possibly put those apples down that chute, i'm going to be juicing. >> what happened to me in six weeks? a lot of fabulous, great things happened to me in six weeks. my cholesterol was actually over 200 and now it's around 170.
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and i just feel like i want to get out there and conquer the world every day. and i know i am! [laughs] >> announcer: coming up, 93-year-old world champion bodybuilding sensation charles eugster reveals his secret juice recipe, and some life-changing advice from a leading expert on nutrition and natural healing. stay tuned! call now and get the entire fusion juicer system complete with its lifetime motor guarantee for just six payments of $19.99. but hold on. call in the next 10 minutes and we'll also send you the amazing fusion juicer raw remedies and juice recipes book. juice your way to health with over 100 nutrient-rich recipes that address concerns like muscle and joint stiffness, stress and lack of energy, recipes to help reduce cholesterol, even control weight. and to help you achieve these goals, you'll also get the amazing fusion juicer 6-week turnaround program. starting this program can put you on a road to positive changes in sleep quality, cholesterol levels, inflammation and other important
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health markers. together, this $40 value is yours free when you order. but that's not all. order today and get this free bonus that can turn your nutrient-packed juice into a super-charged nutrient-packed wellness drink on the go. boost your juices with super antioxidants like powdered green tea and acai powder to cleanse and lose weight. boost with magnesium and calcium for bone and joint health. add protein powder to your juice for a complete amino acid enriched meal on the go. all of these boosting recipes are online. simply fill the personal-sized travel bottle with fusion juice, and boost it with healthy ingredients of your choice. in an instant, you'll make a super-charged wellness drink you can take with you in the convenient to-go bottle and enjoy anytime. the fusion booster is an incredible $40 value, but it's yourfree with your order. and better still, we'll ship the entire fusion juicer system to you for free. that's right, free shipping and handling. you get everything you see here: the incredible fusion juicer, our very special raw remedies and juice recipe guide, the fusion juicing 6-week program,
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and the incredible fusion booster. that's over $80 in free bonuses and your very own fusion juicer in the color of your choice, all for just six payments of $19.99 with free shipping. and if you're not completely satisfied, return the fusion juicer for a complete refund of the purchase price and keep the fusion booster as our special gift to you. if you want to unlock the true nutrient power of whole food juicing and enjoy the benefits of rapid nutrition, there's no better way than with the technologically-advanced fusion juicer. to get your own fusion juicer and your bonus fusion booster, you have to call the number on your screen or go to this offer is not available in stores, so order now. >> well, i've been in medical practice about 17 years now. and it's extremely rewarding because instead of seeing people come in and get heavier and become more diabetic and see their heart disease and high blood pressure get worse and worse and seeing their allergies and autoimmune diseases deteriorate, i see the opposite. i see their diabetes melt away
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and they become non-dietic. i see people with chest pain and high blood pressure. their blood pressure goes back to normal, we take away their medications. their chest pains goes away, their heart disease melts away with excellent nutrition. their allergies and autoimmune conditions gradually get less and less. and in most cases, they can stop medications and become well again. we're seeing the opposite occur. instead of seeing people deteriorate and come in to see a doctor for more drugs and more drugs as they worsen and eventually get very sick and die, we see the opposite-- that the body is a miraculous, self-healing machine and when you institute excellent nutrition, the body's natural tendency to heal takes over. >> my name is charles eugster. i'm 92 and i'll be 93 in july. i started bodybuilding when i was 89 years old and that was the time that i began to become interested in juicing. i have had the experience that one can rebuild one's body at any age.
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i like to call it trading in your body for a new one. it's work, it's nutrition and it's exercise, and if you have those three things going for you, you can enjoy old age in a completely different manner that very few people think ever existed. >> we're just going to start straight away. put the apple in straight away into the fusion juicer, all right, and we're just going to push it down. very simple, very easy. now the key behind this of course are the beets, right? the beet juice. and watch what it does to the color. i want everybody to see. because now you can see the juice being made, this is like incredible. and we've added some ginger, all right, so we've got-- look at this. you see all that red being made. pop the last apple in. >> o.k. >> come on, let's do the last apple-- throw it in there as well just to complete this beautiful nitrate-rich, wonderful, nutritious juice. it's a concoction i've got to tell you. yeah, you usually have it. charles, to be honest, i know you want this, but you usually have this, all right? this is something i just want to try for a second here to make-- you know, i'm just saying.
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>> all right, charles, you're going to beat me up and you're stronger than i am, so you can some of that back. o.k. that is absolutely delicious, loadedith nitrates. >> i have to tell you. now listen, especially gentlemen, you have to be careful that you don't take too much because the effect is said to last 24 hours. >> 24 hours? i've got to say it has-- hand on heart-- been a genuine, genuine pleasure to have met you. >> ladies and gentlemen, dr. charles eugster. [cheering and applause] come on! ...obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease-- these are the chronic health problems that face us all today. even our kids aren't immune. >> a couple of years ago, i weighed 235 pounds, and my worst point was probably in sixth grade, seventh grade-ish, and i was ridiculed for it. it was... it was probably one of the worst grades of my life. >> as a mother, i felt like
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i was to blame for him being overweight. you get picked on and bullied at school and there's things that you can't do to control that. when the juicer came into our home, mikey wanted to juice like, all day long. >> it makes you feel good 'cause of all the vitamins and antioxidants and all them good things that are in the juice. i lost, in total, 65 pounds. >> he can now run a 5k and do pushups. >> i'm a lot more confident with myself. before, when there'd be like, swimming pool parties and stuff like that, i wouldn't want to go 'cause i'd be afraid that people would like, ridicule me for my size, but now i'm comfortable, i've been working out more, i have a flatter stomach, and i'm more happy with myself. >> plant cells have little square packets called cellulose. well, the nutrients are in these plant cell's packets. and we put the vegetable, like lettuce or kale in our mouth, we have to chew and break open every cell to release those
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valuable nutrients. and as we chew, we release enzymes that create a lot of these beneficial nutrients in the mouth as we're chewing. now when you put food in a juicer, it can do a better job at breaking open every cell, causinthis chemical reaction to occur to form a lot of these phytochemicals. and then when we drink it, we're getting a better absorption or a better amount of these beneficial phytochemicals. >> i have a sayi. if you don't look after your body, you really will have nowhere to live and that is why this is so important. now look, you've seen our incredible offer today which includes my brand-new revolutionary fusion juicer with its low-induction motor which is guaranteed for life. it really is the best of both worlds. slow juicing for nutrient retention, but fast enough to create mountains of juice in just seconds. so please pick up the phone or go to and order your complete fusion juicer package today. and do me a favor, spread the word because on behalf of jenny and myself and all the guests
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we've seen on the program today, i tell you now, i will not rest until there's a fusion juicer in every home in america and throughout the world. cheers. call or go online now and may the juice be with you. [cheering and applause] >> announcer: call now and get the entire fusion juicer system complete with its lifetime motor guarantee for just six payments of $19.99. but hold on. call in the next two minutes and we'll also send you the amazing fusion juicer raw remedies and juice recipes book. juice your way to health with over 100 nutrient-rich recipes that address concerns like muscle and joint stiffness, stress and lack of energy, recipes to help reduce cholesterol, even control weight. and to help you achieve these goals, you'll also get the amazing fusion juicer 6-week turnaround program. starting this program can put you on a road to positive changes in sleep quality, cholesterol levels, inflammation and other important health markers. together, this $40 value is yours free when you order. but that's not all.
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order today and get this free bonus that can turn your nutrient-packed juice into a super-charged nutrient-packed wellness drink on the go. boost your juices with super antioxidants like powdered green tea and acai powder to cleanse and lose weight. boost with magnesium and calcium for bone and joint health. add protein powder to your juice for a complete amino acid enriched meal on the go. all of these boosting recipes are online. simply fill the personal-sized travel bottle with fusion juice, and boost it with healthy ingredients of your choice. in an instant, you'll make a super-charged wellness drink you can take with you in the convenient to-go bottle and joy anytime. the fusion booster is an incredible $40 value, but it's yours free with your order. and better still, we'll ship the entire fusion juicer system to you for free. that's right, free shipping and handling. you get everything you see here: the incredible fusion juicer, our very special raw remedies and juice recipe guide, the fusion juicing 6-week program, and the incredible fusion booster. that's over $80 in free bonuses and your very own fusion juicer
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in the color of your choice, $19.99 with free shipping.of and if you're not completely satisfied, return the fusion juicer for a complete refund of the purchase price and keep the fusion booster as our special gift to you. if you want to unlock the true nutrient power of whole food juicing and enjoy the benefits of rapid nutrition, there's no better way than with the technologically-advanced fusion juicer. to get your own fusion juicer and your bonus fusion booster, you have to call the number on your screen or go to this offer is not available in stores, so order now. the preceding program was a paid presentation for the fusion juicer, brought to you by tristar products.
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i'm driving a brand new vehicle because of sign & drive for 45. 0 down payments, no payments for six weeks. drive for 45 got me in the car with no down payments, six weeks for free. thank you sign & drive for 45. thank you sign & drive for 45. i literally drove the car 45 days for free. and no down payments. but ever since sign & drive, i am getting ready to drive man. where are my car keys man, i'm outta here! it's sign & drive for 45. every car and truck on our lot. sign & drive for 45. every van and suv, sign & drive for 45. the auto finance network is proud to present this unprecedented offer. it's the sign & drive for 45 500.
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because we can only approve 500 auto loans everyone is approved regardless of past credit history. this is a one of a kind event, the likes of which this area has never seen before and may never see again. the auto finance network guarantees you 3 things. no down payment, no payment for six weeks and guaranteed credit. that's right. because during sign & drive for 45, everybody drives. lawrence craig is one of the funniest stand-up comedians in america. he's a national television star and one of the most successful touring comics ithe country. but tonight, he's hosting a very special show for people with credit issues who need a car right now. stay tuned. you know i am about to start another show and all
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these people are here to see me. we're going to have some fun, but we're going to learn something also. see, i am a stand-up comedian. i know what you all e thinking. ha ha, man this is a joke. no. that's not the case. they chose me because they didn't want credit to be scary. so you see, i am also the spokesperson for sign & drive for 45 where you can get a car for no money down and no payments for six weeks. no matter how bad your credit is. with sign & drive for 45, there is nothing to be scared of. nobody gets turned down, everybody's credit is guaranteed. like we say, drive the car, truck, van or suv of your dreams regardless of your past credit history no matter how severe. we've all tried and tried. but in the end bad things happen to good people. well, tonight i am here to make sure good things start happening to good people again. i'm here to tell you it's just not that bad. we can fix any credit problem because of sign & drive for 45, you will get the last laugh.
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stay tuned. that confuse em a little, slam right there. what are you trying to do to me tyrone? can i say hey to the people? there's always one at a comedy show right? you remind me of my ex girlfriend baby. there's always one. you remind me of my ex girlfriend. i used to date this big strong girl. used to wear the tight shirts, the shirts that you gotta button up through the middle.
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got velcro on it. no, i'm just joking man. i don't want no trouble. i'm here to have a good time. we're here for a purpose. plus you're a big dude. i don't want you comin up here. you run up here if you want to i got a baloney sandwich in my pocket. i'll set it yeah you gotta make a decision. is that baloney? forget him. everybody that has some credit problems, keep your hands up. i want to get the camera. is there anyone here that don't have problems with credit? we want you to leave. you can just get on out of here. this don't make no sense. well, what kind of problems are we having? i mean, you guys can open up to me. we're here tonight to have a little fun with it. you having some problems, big man? well man, look here man, i told you my credit was broke down and my car broke down with my credit and my credit scores jack. i got liens and loans and i got child support too. that's enough. you done told me enough. listen, even in your situation,
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sign & drive for 45 is here for you. that's right you sounds like you got some problems, you look like you ain't got no money on you. but that's ok. we give you six weeks to save up some money and you know get some things taken care of. what's going with you. i see you here with two women. you pimpin? what's going on? my credit scores in the negative man. all 4 baby my mamas, my 4 baby mamas. they came to my job man and they just made a scene and i got laid off behind my payments man. what can sign & drive do for me? hey, you the brother we lookin for. guys like you. bad situations like you. that's right. sign & drive for 45 but it's only a limited time. i keep telling you all how important it is you have to act now. we're taking 500 callers. you got six weeks you can give you a little timeo save up some money you know take care of some payments and hey get back on the road again. we got ya bro.
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and i had a low 200 credit score man. liens and loans my car broke down my credit was broken in my car horrible credit got laid off my job had 4 kids child support eating up my pocket 4 baby mamas. but ever since sign & drive, i am getting ready to drive man. where are my car keys man i'm outta here. sign & drive got me a vehicle of my choice regardless of my past credit history. now i can drive all of my kids and all 4 of my baby mamas at the same time. i literally drove the car 45 dayfor free, and no down payment. so you can't beat that. sign & drive for 45. well we're having a good time. i just flew in. i was out of the country for a little while. i was down in miami. ever been to miami? it's a lot of foreigners out there, ain't it? i'm glad we all having a good time but you guys do know you're out here for a reason. what's going on with you, bro? i ended up marrying a lady that had 5 children.
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whoa. and i got 5 children too. oh, man. child support like a mug. yea like a mug. i'm hurtin. i do want to let you know tonight you are on camera so you might wanna hide a little bit. mister shiny head man how you doing over there in the lime green. you alright? have some issues. you look like you might yea, i'm doing bad man. i'm in between jobs. oh, in between jobs brother you'll never get a female like that. you got a job, i'm in between jobs baby. man, i'm new down here man and my car is all messed up and i can't get a job get a car cause i can't get a job. oh, god you got one of those raggedy cars. you all know those raggedy cars i'm talking about them old raggedy cars you gotta pump the gas behind the license plates you gotta pull the license plate down to pump the gas. you look short too man i couldn't ride with you. you know you can't even let the seat down you got to pull the seat up together.
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i'm like this in the windshield man this don't make no sense. i was down on my luck, in between jobs i had bad credit i didn't even have a car so i could find a job. i've got 10 kids child support for all 10ids and i had the worst time trying to get a vehicle. sign & drive for 45 gave me a chance. i didn't have to make a payment for six weeks. thank you sign & drive for 45. now i'm back in the workforce. and then i found sign & drive for 45 and they told me you don't need any down payment and i don't have to put a payment down for six weeks so that lp me put money together right now i'm driving a brand new vehicle because of sign & drive for 45. thanks a lot sign & drive for 45. hi, i'm glad you're all here laughing having a good time but seriously we are here for a purpose that's sign & drive for 45. i am going to take to my man al and he's going to tell you all about it. alright. thanks, lc. that's right it's sign and drive for 45. every car and truck on our lot.
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sign & drive for 45. every van and suv, sign & drive for 45. the auto finance network is proud to present this unprecedented offer. it's the sign & drive for 45 500. because we can only approve 500 auto loans this month so you must act now. everyone is approved regardless of past credit history. this is a one of a kind event, the likes of which this area has never seen before and may never see again. the auto finance network guarantees you 3 things. no down payment, no payment for six weeks and guaranteed credit. that's right. because during sign & drive for 45, everybody drives regardless of past credit history, bankruptcy, divorce, medical bills, multiple repossessions, no credit immigration, bad credit, slow credit, no credit even if you've got upside down credit who cares. we don't. we'll give you top dollar for that trade and pay it off no matter what you owe but remember only the first 500 people who contact us will be
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approved this month. that's our cap that's how many sign & drive for 45 loans we've been authorized to approve. if you've got upside down credit here's our promise to you during sign & drive for 45. if you owe more than your current vehicle is worth even if you owe $5000, $10,000, even $15,000 more than your current vehicle is worth and want to drive the brand new car of your dreams for no money down and no payments for six weeks, we will make it happen guaranteed but it l starts with one thing a phone call to us by you. call now! every credit application will be approved guaranteed. people who thought they would never get out of financing in t past have gotten approved on the spot during sign & drive for . there has never been a sales event like this one before and there may never be one like it again. no money down no payments for six weeks to the first 500 people who call or log on to
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now is the time for you to drive the car, truck van or suv of your dreams for no money down no payments for six weeks regardless of past credit history. this is a sales event the likes of which this area has never seen before and may never see again so you must act now. this is an extremely limited time offer call now. there has never been a better time th now for people with severely damaged credit to drive the car they really want to drive. call theumbeon your screen now and drivehe car, truck, van or suv of your dreams tomorrow. take the first step. pick up the phone and talk to one of our friendly loan conltants. don't let past credit problems stop you any longer. sign & drive for 45 is an extremely limited offer so you must act now because during sign & drive for 45 everybody drives. stop settling call now and drive the new car, truck, van or suv of your dreams before you know it. remembere can only help the first 500 people who
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call or log onhis month so act now. we removed all the obstacles so what are yo waiting for call us now call now. what's going on right here. maam, with the ipod on. you having any problems right now? no. you got scared oh. hey, they set her up man you didn't tell me i was going to be on camera. the government is looking for me right now. how you doing sister in the green shirt. are you ok? no i am not doing ok i was i found a dream job i found my soul mate i still have the job but i lost my to pay him 50% of my earnings. soul mate but now i've got
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well i'll tell you what with that 50% money that you collected you can save that because you don't have to put nothing down that's right 0 down no payments for six weeks what do u have to lose very beautiful girl too i really don't mess with a lot of women that wear their hair over their eye like that especially with this one lady man she d her ir over her eye man and she moved her hair and she didn't have no eye m. wait a minute. is that why you got your hailike this? what's going on back here now? i'm in college younow so loans got nothing i have no mey my textbooks basically to all my money so. i know what you all are thinking you all can't do nothing for that sign & drive for 45 yes we can but we are only taking 500 callers i can't stress it you have to act now thgh it's for a limited time six weeks you don't to make no payment let's go let's go pick up the phone let's make it happen student loans my tuition was piling up i couldn't
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get to school i just paid for my books. i need to find a way i need something to help me out. so i found this great job and then i married the man of my dreams. that turned into a nightmare. he took the house the cars, not ly tt but i've got to pay him half of my income. i found sign & drive for 45 no down payment no payment for six weeks now i got a brand new mustang. thanks sign & drive for 45. i didn't know what i was going to do. so i called my friend and she told me to call sign & drive for 45. i'm so excited i called them because they approved me on the spot. not only do i get to drive the car for 45 days for free but they didn't ask me for a down payment. compliments my lifestyle i they gave me a car that owe everything to sign & drive for 45. whooo! i'm thankful! how you doing, young man you all right in the green? a little down and out brother. what's going on with ya? collection agencies keep calling me man i can't run away from them phone stay ringing ev at twelve in
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the morning. you got collection agencies calling you at midnight they taking it to another level ain't they calling at midnight? sorry to hear that man pay your bills bro. thank god for caller id. oh that's an unidentified number i ain't gonna answer that. i remember one time a collection agency tried to call me tried to trick me man he had like a 111456 number i'm like oh they trying to get sly i picked it up and like we got ya i'm like yeah you all got me when can we expect payment on that. how you doing beautiful lady right here you doing alright? alright. you sile? you having any issues? my problem is getting established with credit and i am having a hard time my parents are about 2000 miles away and i need a car quick fast and in a hurry. well that's right well you better call right now
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matter of fact why don't you leave and call right now you need a car right now it doesn't matter whatever the problem is we got ya but you have to act now it's for a limited time we're in your area act now. i was late on my mortgage i was late on my bills everybody was calling me left and right from 1 o'clock to 1 o'clock am. beg away at school i needed a car quick fast and in a hurry and with my parents almost 2000 miles away i didn't have a co-signer. even after the bill collectors were calling me over and over drive for 45 got me in the car with no down payment six weeks for free. well with sign & drive they let me walk away with the car for six weeks no down payment and i didn't even need a co-signer thank you sign & drive for 45. credit problems happen for all sorts of reasons. i mean have any of you ever seen a credit report? it's like trying to read a foreign language or something credits especially car credit is set up to be confusing to keep the customer off
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balance and to keep the dealer in control that's where sign & drive for 45 comes in through our national network of dealers we get you approved immediately and we get you approved of your car of your dres for no money down and no payment that's right for six weeks can you imagine th? so, if you're late on your current loan bring that car to us we will get you in a new one for no money down and you don't have to make any payments for six weeks. i'm driving a brand new vehicle because of sign & drive for 45. 0 down payments, no payments for six weeks. drive for 45 got me in the car with no down payments, six weeks for free. thank you sign & drive for 45. thank you sign & drive for 45. i literally drove the car 45 days for free. and no down payments. but ever since sign & drive, i am getting ready to drive man. where are my car keys man, i'm outta here! it's sign & drive for 45. every car and truck on our lot. sign & drive for 45.
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every van and suv, sign & drive for 45. the auto finance network is proud to present this unprecedented offer. it's the sign & drive for 45 500. because we can only approve 500 auto loans this month so you must act now. everyone is approved regardless of past credit history. this is a one of a kind event, the likes of which this area has never seen before and may never see again. the auto finance network guarantees you 3 things. no down payment, no payment for six weeks and guaranteed credit. that's right. because during sign & drive for 45, everybody drives regardless of past credit history, bankrtcy, divorce, medical bills, multiple repossessions, no credit immigrants, bad credit, slow credit, no credieven if you've got upside down credit who cares. we don't. we'll give you top dollar for that trade and pay it off no matter what you owe but remember only the first 500 people who contact us will be approved this month.
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that's our cap that's how many sign & drive for 45 loans we've been authorized to approve. if you've got upside down credit here's our promise & drive for 45. to you during sign if you owe more than your current vehicle is worth even if you owe $5000, $10,000, even $15,000 more than your current vehicle is worth and want to drive the brand new car of your dreams for no money down and no payments for six weeks, we will make it happen guaranteed but it all starts with one thing a phone call to us by you. call now! every credit application will be approved guaranteed. people who thought they would never get out of financing in the past have gotten approved on the spot during sign & drive for 45. there has never been a sales event like this one before and there may never be one like it again. no money down no payments for six weeks to the first 500 people who call or log on to now is the time for you to drive the car,
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truck van or suv of your dreams for no money down no payments for six weeks regardless of past credit history. this is a sales event the likes of which this area has never seen before and may never see again so you must act now. this is an extremely limited time offer call now. there has never been a better time than now for people with severely damaged credit to drive the car they really want to drive. call the number on your screen now and drive the car, truck, van or suv of your dreams tomorrow. take the first step. pick up the phone and talk to one of our friendly loan consultants. don't let past credit problems stop you any longer. sign & drive for 45 is an extremely limited offer so you must act now because during sign & drive for 45 everybody drives. stop settling call now and drive the new car, truck, van or suv of your dreams before you know it. remember we can only help the first 500 people who call or log on this month so act now.
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obstacles so what are you removed all the waiting for call us now. call now! how you doin man? in the green and white. alright. doing ok you look like you just doing ok. no i'm just messing with you. you having problems situation going on? i just recently moved to the country i have no credit. oh you got the little accent going on. they kind of tricked you huh they told you it was free but they didn't tell you you gotta have approved credit huh otherwise sign & drive for 45 is here for brothers in your situation. don't worry we'll take care of you. what is going on with you in the blue? lc i'm so broke i. whoa whoa, you don't know me what do you mean lc? but i am paying attention to you because i am upside down in my vehicle. i wanted to start a business and i just don't have no money to put down on a vehicle and buy tools. upside down in your vehicle huh you ain't the
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type of brother went out and got some rims and tv's all in your car and couldn't afford your payment now you all upside down. that's right. you look like the type to do that. what's going on with you young man in the hot sweater over there you alright? well i got some problems with taxes. oh problem with taxes i bet you're scared to file huh? soon as you file they gonna take your money just like that they did that to my uncle. i know how that is. i came to this country with nothing and no credit but thanks to sign & drive for 45 i am now driving a registered car in america. thank you sign & drive 45. i had car repair trouble and the bills were way more than what the car was worth. so i went to sign & drive for 45 and that was 0 down payment no payments for six weeks what more could you ask for? how many working people we got out here? working people you work 9 to 5 got a little job. majority of the people. i got a job i hate my job because i got that one
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supervisor been getting on my nerves he wanted to be the manager and never be able to be the manager you know what i'm talking about he just take the job too seriously like i was watching the news the other day and this reporter was covering the war on terrorists and he was covering the war and this is what i mean people taking their job to serious a bomb goes off during this guy's report and he set there like the bomb didn't go off. hey this is dan rather over here in baghdad apparently 4 american soldiers got shot boom as you guys just heard a bomb just went off behind we're going keefocused and we're going to keep ahead. can you imagine that with me or any othebrother? that would have been totally different, right? hey this is lc over here in baghdad apparently 4 american soldiers got shot boom! (applause) (applause) thank you all man that's my time i'm lc
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thank you all man. wow man what a show. i can't believe these people opened up like that to me. as you can see credit really wasn't that scary. but seriously we're only taking the first 500 callers you have to act now i know you're probably thinking man i got some bills due i have a car payment but you don't have to pay anything for six weeks. remember first 500 callers i know some of you out there man i been there before i went down to the car place credit denied everywhere i go credit denied but here you're guaranteed but you have to act now and i know what you're thinking well i have some other payments i got mortgage due i got rent due child support payment due but hey take care of that you got six weeks to make your first payment but you have to act now well why you still
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looking at me call the number at the bottom of your screen or log on to it's that simple. it's sign & drive for 45. every car and truck on our lot. sign & drive for 45. every van and suv, sign & drive for 45. the auto finance network is proud to present this unprecedented offer. it's the sign & drive for 45 500. because we can only approve 500 auto loans this month so you must act now. everyone is approved regardless of past credit history. this is a one of a kind event, the likes of which this area has never seen before and may never see again. the auto finance network guarantees you 3 things. no down payment, no payment for six weeks and guaranteed credit. that's right. because during sign & drive for 45, everybody drives regardless of past credit history, bankruptcy, divorce, medical bills, multiple repossessions, no credit immigrants,
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bad credit, slow credit, no credit even if you've got upside down credit who cares. we don't. we'll give you top dollar for that trade and pay it off no matter what you owe but remember only the first 500 people who contact us will be approved this month. that's our cap that's how many sign & drive for 45 loans we've been authorized to approve. if you've got upside down credit here's our promise to you during sign & drive for 45. if you owe more than your current vehicle is worth even if you owe $5000, $10,000, even $15,000 more than your current vehicle is worth and want to drive the brand new car of your dreams for no money down and no payments for six weeks, we will make it happen guaranteed but it all starts with one thing a phone call to us by you. call now! every credit appcation will be approved guaranteed. people who thought they would never get out of financing in the past have gotten approved on the
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spot during sign & drive for 45. there has never been a sales event like this one before and there may never be one like it again. no money down no payments for six weeks to the first 500 people who call or log on to now is the time for you to drive the car, truck van or suv of your dreams for no money down no payments for six weeks regardless of past credit history. this is a sales event the likes of which this area has never seen before and may never see again so you must act now. this is an extremely limited time offer call now. there has never been a better time than now for people with severely damaged credit to drive the car they really want to drive. call the number on your screen now and drive the car, truck, van or suv of your dreams tomorrow. take the first step. pick up the phone and talk to one of our friendly loan consultants. don't let past credit problems stop you any longer. sign & drive for 45 is an extremely limited offer so
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you must act now because during sign & drive for 45 everybody drives. stop settling call now and drive the new car, truck, van or suv of your dreams before you know it. remember we can only help the first 500 people who call or log on this month so act now. we removed all the obstacles so what are you waiting for call us now! call now! [ gasps ]
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were you looking for this? seems the drive-thru is closed tonight. instead... velveeta cheesy skillets. [ horse nays in background ] just brown the meat. stir in the noodles, seasoning, then smite them... smite them with the liquid gold until there can be no more smiting. hmmm yes... [ spoken faintly ] liquid gold.
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>> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and take control of your personal and financial future, then get ready, because than merrill, the star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting started flipping homes and buying and holding income properties. than and his team are currently looking for a small group of motivated individuals who want to work directly with his team and learn the exact step-by-step system he's used to flip hundreds of properties over the past decade.
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at this event, you will learn exactly how you can do this without needing money, credit, or any prior experience. so, if you've always had the desire to get into real estate, or you're already in real estate, this event is the perfect opportunity for you to learn than's system. than's system has created thousands of success stories around the country and helped numerous people make money and change their financial futures forever. >> just a few months ago, i attended one of than merrill's training events. since then, i've sold two properties, i have six houses under construction, and i have three houses under contract. in fact, the house behind me i just sold and made $38,000. i'm providing a better life for my daughter, and i'm absolutely loving life. now i'd like to introduce you to the man who changed my life, my mentor and friend, than merrill. >> if you're looking to increase your income, become less dependent on a job, spend more time with your friends and family, and ultimately have more fun and freedom in your life,
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then stick with me, because i'm gonna show you how you can have all of those things and more by learning my proven three-step system for investing in real estate. i'm than merrill, star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house." over the past 10 years, i've become a self-made multi-millionaire buying and selling hundreds of properties just like the one behind me that are probably right in your neighborhood. over the course of this program, i'll also gonna show you properties i've made money on in the past few months and take you to properties that i'm currently flipping right now, like this one. and i'm gonna show you how different your life could be using my system to invest in real estate. real estate has completely changed my life, and for the past few years, i've been able to share that passion through our live training events, and nothing has been more rewarding to me. these events have helped thousands of regular, everyday people get started investing in real estate the right way, which has ultimately and dramatically
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changed their lives. >> i wasn't sure if we could do this on a part-time basis, because we both work full-time, but after completing the training, we've closed six deals, and we are loving life. >> now, you might be sitting there thinking, "than, why real estate, and why right now?" well, what's currently going on in this country is really scary. the middle class is literally disappearing. i'm talking about people, maybe like you, who earn between $40,000 to $200,000 a year, who are losing ground. here's what's happening. over the last decade, middle-class families have lost 1/3 of their net worth because wages are falling and inflation is rising. you know, the old idea that if you work hard and you pay your dues that you'll get ahead might be giving you false hope, and sadly, for the first time in history, a lot of people are not gonna be better off than their parents. you see, the reality is if you're relying on someone else -- the government or a job -- you might be putting
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yourself and your family at risk. and it only takes something as common as a job loss or a divorce or an unexpected family health problem, and you could go from a normal, middle-class family to newly poor practically overnight. realize this could happen to you, and that's why it's so important for you to get a financial education and take the proper steps to take care of your family. and the best way to do this is through real-estate investing. statistics show that real-estate investing is the most likely way to achieve financial independence, and more average, everyday people have become millionaires through real-estate investing than anything else. in fact, the irs reported that, over the past 50 years, of all the americans who declared more than a million dollars on their income-tax returns, 71% of them were in real estate. you see, in high school and college, they teach us how to get a job, but at my live events, i take pride in teaching
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you how not to be dependent on a job and how to take control of your own destiny. >> before going to than's event, i was living paycheck to paycheck. in fact, on my first deal using than's system, i had nothing in my savings at that point. on that deal, i made over $40,000. fast forward to where i am today -- my net worth has grown astronomically. i am buying and selling multiple properties every month, and the sky's the limit at this point. i absolutely love knowing that i do not have to depend on anyone else for money ever again. >> we have so many successful students just like marina, who came to one of my events, who just wanted more opportunity and a better life, learned my system, and are now out there making money in real estate, loving what they do. throughout this show, you're gonna see and hear from successful students of mine from a wide variety of different backgrounds, from teachers to
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truckers, to realtors and contractors, to attorneys, to stay-at-home moms and dads. many of my students started with little to no money and on a part-time basis. one of the reasons i have so many successful students is because one of the first things that we teach you at the event is how to find killer real-estate deals you can flip and how to find the best deals that you can hold on that create monthly cash flow. in fact, this property right behind me was a pre-foreclosure price using one of my strategies that you're gonna learn at the event. this isn't just something i talk about. this is what i do every day, and this is what my students are out there doing every day. and this is something that can change your life forever. >> well, our eyes have been opened to amazing strategies that we didn't even know existed, and now our company is getting killer deals. >> now, i know what you might be thinking -- "than, don't you need money to be successful in real estate?" you see, that's one of the biggest misconceptions.
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in fact, take this house behind me. this is a house i flipped with none of my own money, and i made $38,000 on using a private lender. and one of the things we're gonna teach you at the event is how to find private lenders in your area who are willing to loan you money on real-estate deals that you find. >> after attending this training event, i can tell you i now know exactly where i'm gonna get more money to do more deals. >> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and take control of your personal and financial future, then get ready, because than merrill, the star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting started flipping homes and buying and holding income properties. >> the system can work for you even if you don't have any money or experience. now, if you have money and
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you're comfortable right now, in my opinion, there is no better place to invest than in real estate, and at the event, you're gonna be introduced to a couple strategies you can use to build monthly passive income, including one strategy where you can earn up to 16% to 18% interest on your money, supported by united-states law and backed by real estate. it's a killer strategy. >> nothing even comes close to the events that than and his team put on. they are information-packed and have helped me so much. >> over the course of this show, you're gonna see examples of the 31 real-estate deals that i have going on right now, like the one behind me that i'll be selling in just a few days and will make over $35,000 on. at my events, you're also gonna see examples of people who are making money in your backyard using my system. and that's why these live events are so valuable, because you're gonna be learning what is working right now in today's market, as opposed to outdated
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information from a book written three years ago. however, if you sit around and wait, you're gonna miss the absolute best window of opportunity to make money. because we're at the bottom of the market cycle right now, which is the best time to get in. right now, i'd like to give you the opportunity to get two tickets to the upcoming two-hour training event for free before they're gone. >> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and take control of your personal and financial future, then get ready, because than merrill, the star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting started flipping homes and buying and holding income properties. at this event, you will learn exactly how you can do this without needing money, credit, or any prior experience. than's system has created
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thousands of success stories around the country and helped numerous people make money and change their financial futures forever. when you attend this live event, you will discover five untapped and consistent sources of properties than and his students have been buying for significantly under-market value that the general public doesn't know about. you'll also learn about a nationwide source of wealthy cash buyers than and his students flip these properties to. when you register and attend, you'll also get than merrill's "money resource guide" that shows you the seven best sources of money you can utilize to flip real estate using little or none of your own money or credit. this resource guide addresses the number-one problem most people have, which is how to get the money for your deals, and it's yours, free, when you attend. plus, you'll also get than's vip success package for free, which details out how than finds his deals and buyers and is full of other valuable resources that every real-estate investor needs to be successful. in addition, when you register and attend, you'll also be entered in a drawing where you could win one of than's personal investment properties, worth over $60,000, that is already
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rehabbed, rented, and producing monthly cash flow. don't let this opportunity for you and a guest to attend this powerful live training event in your backyard pass you by. seating is extremely limited, so you must call the number at the bottom of your screen or go online right now to reserve your free tickets. make your guaranteed reservations right now, before it's too late. >> one of the reasons i've consistently made money in real estate and why i've been able to build a sizeable rental portfolio and why i have 31 deals going on right now, like this house behind me, is because i discovered five untapped and very consistent sources for properties that you can pick up significantly below market value. in fact, these five sources for deals produce the profits that you're seeing right now that i've flipped in the last two months alone. this is also one of the reasons why we have so many successful students around the country who have done thousands of deals.
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at the event, we're gonna introduce you to what these five sources are and how you can use them to find a deal for yourself very quickly. we're then gonna teach you a strategy of how to put a property under contract and then how to flip or sell that contract to another person. this is a perfect strategy if you just want to dip your toe in the market on a part-time basis and if you don't have a lot of money. in fact, i want to roll a clip of one of my students, terriel, who's used this strategy over and over again. >> hey, than. i just want to thank you for everything you've taught me, man. i learned some killer strategies to get started in real estate without needing any money. in my first year alone, i flipped eight properties, because i learned how to find consistently good deals. in fact, i just wholesaled a deal to a wealthy cash buyer. i made $30,000 in about four hours of work on one deal. i used to worry about money all the time, but now that burden has been lifted. i'm spending time with friends, family, and life is amazing.
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anyways, thanks again, than. i couldn't have done it without you, buddy. >> terriel is an amazing guy who had, literally, zero experience before he came to one of my training events. terriel's now working for himself, loving life, and living his dream. one of the reasons terriel is so successful and why we have so many successful students is because we teach you things that make flipping properties so much easier. another technique you're gonna be introduced to at my event is how to find wealthy cash buyers who are currently buying properties in your area. these are wealthy people who are paying cash for properties right in your area and around the country, and many of my students have tapped into this source of buyers and has made it so much easier for them to get started and have success. just listen to what some of my students have to say. >> i'm happy to say that, since going to the training, we're on our fourth deal, and the most recent deal we closed on, we made over $35,000.
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>> as a practicing attorney, i was definitely somewhat skeptical at first. however, after having a chance to meet all the guys, i can tell you that they're really a down-to-earth group, unbelievably successful, and it is very refreshing to be learning from guys who are operating at this kind of a level -- at such a high level -- in today's market. >> we actually were able to make $19,000 in profit when all was said and done in our first wholesale deal. >> as a single woman, i was somewhat intimidated by investing in real estate. however, than's event gave me so much confidence to succeed. i now have made $30,000 on my first deal, and i have five other deals in the works. >> folks, right now, the middle class is shrinking in this country at an alarming rate, and there's a huge transfer of wealth taking place between those people who understand the laws of money and how to invest in real estate and those who don't. a job does not mean you have security. you need to know that, no matter what happens to your job or the economy, that you have the
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knowledge in place to make money forever in real estate. and nobody can ever take that away from you. just imagine having more time for you, for your family, and having complete control of your financial destiny. that's the gift that i want to give to you. folks, it's scary right now. less than 5% of people who reach age 65 have enough money to retire on or are financially secure. and this is according to the u.s. census bureau. so, if you've ever worried about money, or you're not where you want to be financially right now, then you have to make a change. you have to step outside of your comfort zone, learn something new that can help you get to your financial goals and help you live a life you've always dreamed of. the reality is, if you keep doing what you're doing right now, you're gonna have another year next year like you had this
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year. however, if you want a different year, a better year, more time for your family, more time for yourself, just a better life overall, then you need a specific plan and system to get you there. that's why you have to pick up the phone. make your guaranteed reservation for this educational event and attend so you can better understand this opportunity. put the power in your hands and start taking control of your own life financially. >> shawn and i attended than's event a year ago, and we were pretty much novices when it came to real estate. the way that our business has been growing, i'll be able to quit my regular full-time job within the next 12 months. >> at the event, we will also teach you the second way i flip properties. and that's by fixing the property up and then selling it, like we do on our tv show. for example, this is one of the 31 properties i'm working on right now. on this property alone, i'm gonna make several times over what the average american makes
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in a year. just imagine how doing just one deal like this would impact your entire life. in fact, here are the profits i made in the last two months alone, just on properties i've rehabbed. i love this aspect of real estate because you can make even bigger profits, while, at the same time, you're improving neighborhoods. however, it's not as easy as it looks on tv. that's why you have to learn how to do it the right way. you see, a lot people who end up fixing up properties without a system -- they end up spending way too much time working on the houses themselves. at the event, we teach you our hands-off system for rehabbing properties and how to get these properties fixed up without you ever having to swing a hammer or pick up a single paintbrush. we educate you on the process so you know the steps, who you have doing what, and in what time line. we also teach you exactly how to get the money for these types of projects.
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in fact, one source we show you is an absolute gold mine. our students have used this source to get millions of dollars for deals they've rehabbed. just listen to some of these stories. >> i've been in construction as a residential home builder and side contractor for over 40 years. i even sit on the board of directors for the national association of home builders. i'm here to tell you that the systems that than, paul, and j.d. have put together are the most extensive and conclusive systems that exist anywhere. they make it so easy to flip houses and make money. >> we're averaging $25,000 profit per deal. our first-year goal was to make $60,000. we made $75,000 in our first year. >> i thought i knew what i was doing. i've been investing in real estate for 30 years. it's so refreshing to learn from someone that's doing the business at such a high level in today's market. >> if you truly, truly want to change your life, to take
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control of your own destiny, to be in the driver's seat of your life, do it. do it now. >> i bought five properties. i've wholesaled three of those properties. i've just finished my last -- my first flip, and i'm holding onto one piece of property as a long-term strategy. go ahead. take this step. it's a leap of faith, and you will not look back. it will change your life forever. >> announcer: if you're looking to make more money and take control of your personal and financial future, then get ready, because than merrill, the star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," one of the most successful real-estate investors in the country and america's number-one real-estate-investing expert has one heck of an opportunity for you. than is hosting a one-of-a-kind free two-hour real-estate wealth-building workshop where you will learn his three-step system for getting started flipping homes and buying and holding income properties. at this event, you will learn exactly how you can do this without needing money, credit, or any prior experience.
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than's system has created thousands of success stories around the country and helped numerous people make money and change their financial futures forever. when you attend this live event, you will discover five untapped and consistent sources of properties than and his students have been buying for significantly under-market value that the general public doesn't know about. you'll also learn about a nationwide source of wealthy cash buyers than and his students flip these properties to. when you register and attend, you'll also get than merrill's "money resource guide" that shows you the seven best sources of money you can utilize to flip real estate using little or none of your own money or credit. this resource guide addresses the number-one problem most people have, which is how to get the money for your deals, and it's yours, free, when you attend. plus, you'll also get than's vip success package for free, which details out how than finds his deals and buyers and is full of other valuable resources that every real-estate investor needs to be successful. in addition, when you register and attend, you'll also be entered in a drawing where you could win one of than's personal
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investment properties, worth over $60,000, that is already rehabbed, rented, and producing monthly cash flow. >> learning how to invest in real estate using this system has brought us closer together and put us on the path to financial freedom. >> announcer: don't let this opportunity for you and a guest to attend this powerful live training event in your backyard pass you by. seating is extremely limited, so you must call the number at the bottom of your screen or go online right now to reserve your free tickets. make your guaranteed reservations right now, before it's too late. >> it's important for you to know that, when you attend one of my live training events, you're gonna be learning from someone who is successfully doing this right now in today's market. over the years, i've flipped hundreds of properties. i built a sizeable rental portfolio, and i have 31 deals going on right now, like the one behind me. i also have a track record for teaching other regular, everyday people how to be successful in real estate. in fact, i have some of the most successful students in the
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country, who have done thousands of documented deals using my system. i've literally created a road map for you to achieve your financial goals. this event -- it's gonna be a turning point for many of you watching this show right now. but you have to pick up the phone in order to make that change. all you need to do is call the number at the bottom of the screen or go online right now to reserve your two free tickets to my upcoming two-hour educational event. >> than's event gave me the confidence that i needed to succeed. since then, i have completed 15 real-estate deals, and i'm in the current process of completing two more. >> we have a lot of students who had zero real-estate experience who are now flipping multiple properties a month. however, learning how to flip is only part of what we teach you at the event. the second important step we teach you is how to build long-term wealth with real
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estate. you see, the key to building true lifelong wealth is to learn how to acquire income-producing properties, like this one right here, that produce monthly checks for you whether you work or not. and if you think about it, no matter what you do for work right now, chances are you wake up, you leave your house, you leave your family, and you trade your time for money. however, there only so many hours in day that you can work. so, your ability to produce income is capped. just imagine owning real estate that produces money for you every single month, regardless of whether you're at work, on vacation, or asleep in your bed. this newfound financial freedom is gonna give you peace of mind, it's gonna give you more free time, and it's gonna allow you to give back to those that you care about the most.
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>> because of the training, i've acquired a few income properties, set up passive monthly income streams, and in the next few months, i will be able to quit my job, all from what i learned. >> now, i know some of you watching at home may have been to other trainings, or you're financially comfortable right now, or you're already in real estate in some shape or fashion. you might be wondering how i can help you. well, over the years, i've helped so many people grow and literally automate what they do by learning our system. take gregg cohen, for example. gregg is a student of mine now doing over 100 deals a year and absolutely crushing it. i've even had students who have attended our training events, who started using our systems, and are now so successful that other people started taking notice, and they now have their own tv shows and have been featured on shows like "flipping san diego" on a&e and "property wars" on discovery and "house hrs" on hgtv. in fact, here is one of those students.
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>> than, your system and what you teach is amazing. as you know, i was a realtor before becoming an investor, and i went to your seminar, and it all clicked. i started rehabbing properties and using your systems, and my business took off like wildfire. and as you know, the discovery channel started calling me when they found out what i was doing, and now i'm featured on "property wars." going to your seminar was the best decision i ever made. >> curt is a great guy who's become very successful using our three-step system. and what really blows me away is not only how well curt and our thousands of other students are doing financially, but, more importantly, how proud their spouses and families are of what they've done and what they've accomplished and just how happy they are now. >> i have a business that my wife and children are proud of. we're going into neighborhoods and being paid to fix up properties. i'm building a legacy for my wife, my children, and my grandchildren, and i'm doing something that i absolutely love. >> at the event -- and this is killer -- we introduce you to
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three powerful and little-known strategies for investing in real estate passively and earning high rates of return. in fact, one of the those strategies you're gonna be introduced to, you can earn up to 16% to 18% interest on your money, supported by united-states state law and backed by real estate. this is a little-known, passive real-estate-investment vehicle that's been around for over 100 years. we're also gonna show you how to use this strategy and other strategies to flip properties 100% tax-free. these are killer ways to invest in real estate and possibly build a retirement account for you and your family, because your money's gonna be growing so much faster in a tax-free or tax-deferred environment. you see, working a job and just saving money alone may not get you to your long-term financial and retirement goals, and that's
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why it's so critical for you to learn these powerful, long-term wealth-building strategies. >> right now, we're working on have number 16 in contract.d we and on our last four deals, we're averaging $100,000 in profits on each deal. >> after all the closing costs and all the expenses it took to do the rehab, we made approximately $110,000. >> this house behind me -- i got it under contract, and using the strategies that you taught me at your event, i was able to sell that contract, and i made over $9,000. >> we're averaging $25,000 profit per deal. >> i just wholesaled a deal to a wealthy cash buyer. i made $30,000 in about four hours of work on one dea >> as you're watching at home -- we only have a few seconds left, so pick up the phone and call the number rht now to make your guaranteed reservation. this event is an opportunity many people will jump on in this area and change their lives forever.
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i really hope that you're one of them. if you want a better year this year, compared to last year, you have to do and learn something different. regardless of your financial situation or your background, you can do this successfully. real estate has changed my life, and i know it can change yours. i hope today is a day that you mark on your calendar, one where you can put a mark of an event where you and your financial future and your life took a giant leap forward. thanks for watching. i look forward to having you at i look forward to having you at the event.
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jerry springer here for liberty ford randall's town. you're about to hear exciting news from the folks at liberty ford. if you're shopping for a new or pre-owned vehicle, pi attention. here's exciting news from liberty ford. >> this is it, the event you're read about in the supervises and
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heard -- in the newspapers an heard about on tv. a liquidation at libertity ford with low market pricing ailable and guaranteed automotive credit, an event so big it could literally paint the quality of life for the better. if you want a new car, if you need a new car, i urge you to pay close attention. have you ever been dolled you're upside down with your current car or truck, that you owe more than it's worth? then today is your lucky day. during this total wall-to-wall automotive liquidation event, when we make a deal, we'll pay off your trade, no matter what you owe. incredible but true. best of all your new monthly payment could be less than you're paying now and your new car or truck will come with a lifetime engine warranty with no mileage limitation, none. effective middle east, you will be automatically enrolled liberty's lifetime protection plan. your tires will be protected for
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as long as you own the car. a new and important way to protect your new car investment. have you ever been rejected for automotive credit due to bankruptcy, divorce, medical bills, low pay, no pay? then today is truly your lucky dabecause you can be approved for automotive credit at this dealer-authorized liquidation going on now at liberty ford. i urge you to stay tuned and we'll tell you how to get the keys to your new car with absolutely no money down! >> hundreds and hundreds of people, your friends and neighbors are now driving the new car of their dreams! they simply made one toll-free call and were approved for audit this is an event of unprecedented magnitude. an event where you should expect very significant savings, low monthly payments, and even buy with no money down during this cereal-authorized liquidation.
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your credit is guaranteed. when you purchase any new or pre-owned vehicle, you get the full factory new vehicle warranty. the remainder of the pre-owned vehicles' manufacturer warranty and liberty's lifetime warranty, with no mileage limitations. now, you will be enrolled in that's right, we'll make your first two payments. >> we want to be your credit lifeline. we're able to help just about anybody get the new or pre-owned vehicle they need, the one they deserve. thousands have to depend on the bus or taxies to get to work, the super market or friends. if that's you, grab the liberty
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pick up the phone and call now for your guaranteed automotive credit. >> i have been seeing it on tv and in the newspaper. i needed a car ba but after an ugly divorce and unpaid bills, my credit took a hit. i have been everywhere. no one wants to give me credit without a co-signer. where was i going to find a co-signer? this morning, i called the 1-800 number, and they told me i was approved and to come in and pick out my new car. can you believe it? this one, mine! >> let me ask you a couple of questions,o you want a new car? do you need a new car? do you think you can't afford a new car? do you think you might not be approved for automotive credit? well, i'm here to tell you, think again. if you have a job, you can buy a new car, and you can be approved for automotive credit, even with past or current credit problems. this is the liquidation event you've heard about on the radio,
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the one your friends and neighbors are talking about. liberty ford in lain -- randallstown guarantees you automotive credit. >> i ask you to pay close attention. i'm going to tell you how you can buy a new or pre-owned vehicle at our lowest possible price. how to get a low monthly payment you can afford and how to buy with no money down. right now during the total liquidation event going on now at liberty ford in randallstown, when you purchase a new or pre-owned vehicle, you will be entered into our liberty for life program, a warranty program that allows you to drive worry free as long as you own your vehicle, included with your purchase. there's absolutely no additional cost. >> liberty for life gives you an engine warn warranty for a lifetime, oil changes for a lifetime, tire rotation force life, safety inspections for life, even car washes for life. now, you will be automatically
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enrolled in our lifetime higher protection plan. most important, guaranteed automotive credit. guarante automotive credit. you heard me correct. >> this is a liberty ford offer available now during the gant dealer authorized liquidation. call the number at the bottom of the screen to register for the event and get guaranteed automotive credit. pick up and call 1-800-848-1000 now. it's free. >> call 1-800-848-1000 now. our helpful credit advisory will answer your call. you will be able to select from hundreds of available new fords and pre-owned vehicles. choose from lexus, bmw, honda, infinity, acura, toyota, cadillac, even jaguar. our storage lots are packed and packed as tight as possible and
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with new vehicles on the way, we must make room. do you want to save money? do you need a car? don't miss this wall-to-wall inventory liquidation event. absolutely no reasonable offer will be refused. certain unreasonable offers may be accepted. experience saving up to 60% off original msrp. megan, you're talking with what looks like very satisfied buyers. aim right? >> you bet. let me ask this lady. what do you think of the giant automotive liquidation event? >> you've heard the expression everybody needs somebody sometime, take my word for it, it's true. i got laid off, never saw it coming, fell behind on my bills, pretty much screwed up my credit. i'm worng fa at a new job and can afford a new car. but i don't get automotive financing before till i came to liberty ford. my monthly payment was very affordable.
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it's easy and i was treated with respect. if you have past credit problems, believe me, they can help. i tell all my friends, come to liberty ford. >> all she had to do is make one simple call to 1800-848-1000 and he she was approved for financing at liberty ford. you can be approved here, too. >> jerry springer here. every day i talk to people with problems. if you have problems buying a new or pre-owned vehicle, don't call me. call the folks at liberty ford. liberty ford is the place for instant automotive credit. at liberty ford, you will get $5,000 guaranteed for your trade. plus, liberty for life savings, all free for life. got a problem getting a vehicle in call liberty ford randallstown now. >> excuse me, sir. what brought you here to liberty ford? >> the savings, of course. i shopped many other dealers around the beltway. dealer after dealer kept telling
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me i was upside down, i owed more than the car was worth. i got here, liberty ford paid you have my trade in full, even though i owed a lot, and put me in a new ford for less than i was paying. don't make one more payment on a car you hate. tell them to give you the same deal they gave birdie, and you will be very happy, believe you me. >> i encourage you to think big, big as in $95 million to lend, big as in rebate and discounts up to $14,000, which means you can drive away with no money down. big as in zero percent financing. that, over the course of your loan, could save you more than $11,000. big, as in ford dealer authorized liquidation. some vehicles will be sold at below-dealer cost, and when you buy any new or pre-owned vehicle, you will automatically be enrolled in our liberty for life program, which entitles you to a lifetime warranty at no
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extra cost and guaranteed automotive credit. understand this, with liberty for life, when your factory warranty runs out, you will still be covered for as long as you own your vehicle. liberty ford in lain dalestown is -- in randallstown is one of the mid atlantic's fastest growing ford dealerships because they stock more new fords in the area and sell everyone of them for much less. we'll beat any competitor's price by $500 or we'll give you the car free during this dealer authorized liquidation event, you will save even more. when you call to register, you can get guaranteed automotive credit even if you've been turned down by other dealers. 1-800-848-1000. pick up the phone and call. you will get a $10 gas card with your credit approval. just announced, consumer reports rated four vehicles ahead of toy owed, lexus and mercedes benz as
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some of the best built cars in the world. no longer do you have to pay luxury car prices for world class cars and trucks made right here inmerica. american' built cars and trucks now compete favorably with the best of the best. during this liquidation event, you can drive one with no money down. just sign and drive. it's that simple. if you want a new car or truck and want to save big money, call 1-800-848-1000. it will be one o the single most important calls i've ever made. you have my word on it. this event is about price and selection, the vehicle you want at a price you can aford. don't make one more payment on that car you're driving now. push it in, pull it in, tow it in, get it into liberty ford and get a $5,000 guaranteed trade alallowance even if it doesn't run, for almost any car or any truck. just get it in, incredible but true. i ask you, do you know any other
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dealer anywhere who can deliver what liberty ford delivers, including liberty for life? simply put, liberty ford gives you more. >> i got lucky. i turned on the tv the other day and started watching this program. i had been out of work or a while and got behind on payments. i didn't think it was a big deal, but apparently it was. i needed a new truck for work, but when the dealers looked at my credit report, they shook their heads. not here, i made one call, got $5,000 for my truck that had more than 200,000 miles, i was approved for credit on the spot. but got more. i got liberty for life. now i drive worry free for as long as i own my truck, and that's going to be for a long, long time. i can't believe all my oil changes are free, and i can't believe my tires are covered from any road hazard. >> if you have been turned down for automotive credit by other dealers or offered you credit
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with a high finance rate of 19%, 20%, 23%, make the phone call nowvment you see, we have more than $95 million to lend and that's a lot of money. come on, get your share of our very low rate, a low as 0%. at liberty ford, we stock the area's largest inventory of ford, an outstanding selection of pre-owned cars, trucks and suv. >> jerry springer for liberty ford randallstown. liberty ford wants you as a lifetime customer so they're giving you liberty for life. you get engine warranty, tire protection, oil changes, tyrotakes, safety -- tire rotations, safety inspections, all at no cost and guaranteed credit. call now, liberty ford, randallstown. >> the big difference between liberty ford an other dealers is here you get the liberty for life warranty at no additional
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cost, plus, with our low liquidation price and highest trade-in alallowance, imagine, a full factory warranty and liberty for life both at no additional cos drive for as many miles as you want, you' covered. if you're a contractor, plumber, farmer, landscaper or electrician, during this ford dealer authorized liquidation at liberty ford, you will choose from hundreds d hundreds of tough, dependable ford trucks and vans, all at low, low liquidation prices and every one comes with a full factory warranty and the liberty for life warranty. imagine how much you will save with our low liquidation pricing and our long-term engine warranty and no extra cost for oil changes. it could be hundreds and hundreds of dollars. come see for yourself while savvy truck buyers buy only from us. >> before you buy anywhere else, ask another dear if their cars come with lifetime engine warranty, oil changes for life,
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safety inspections for life, tire rotations for life and car washes for life, and a lifetime tire protection program. ask if they guarantee you automotive credit, then ask for a low liquidation price. i know what you will here -- no, no, and no. but during this special event at liberty ford, we'll say yes, yes and yes. >> the only thing that's stopping you from sitting behind the wheel of a car like this is a phone call. so 1-800-848-1000. credit specialists are standing by waiting for your call. >> the call is free and confidential. you will be treated with the utmost respect and can be approved for automotive credit. go ahead, pick up the phone and call, 1-800-848-1000. >> i assure you, this will be the single best call you will ever make because at liberty ford, we finance your future, not your past. air credit approval center is open 24-7, so if you call today,
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you ride today. the singlgoal of this telecast is to inform the buying public of the easiest way to obtain a car or truck and the lowest financing available. truck, meaning you drive free for the first two month. >> jerry springer, you've heard what we have been saying. liberty ford can get the job done for you. give them the call. doesn't matter if you want n pre-owned, good or bad credit, liberty ford is waiting for your call. here's more. >> i just finished school and starting my first job, so reliable transportation is pretty important to me. i came to the sport event looking for a late model, low mileage, pre-owned vehicle i could afford. at liberty ford i saw pre-owned cars for under $5,000, everyone else wanted $15,000 to $20,000 for cars i liked. i found less than i was looking for and paid $5,000 a day. the low-cost liberty for life
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warranty means i will be driving worry free forever. this is my first car. i'm excited about it. they took good care of me here. i think i'll get my next car here, too. >> this is a dealer authorized liquidation of new ford cars, trucks, suv's as well as hundreds of pre-owned lexus, toyotas, mercedes, even jaguars. all must be liquidated immediately. all comes with a full factory warranty and every used vehicle comes with the liberty for life warranty at no extra charge. we have 0 pi financing -- financing available which could save you thousands and you the customer get a rebate. we offer a $5,000 guarantee trade allowance even if your trade doesn't run and automatic guaranteed credit. during this event, no credit rejection. starts with a free phone call
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and your new or pre-owned vehicle comes with a liberty for life warranty at no extra charge including an engine warranty for life, oil change force life, tire rotation force life, safety inspections and car washes for life and a lifetime tire protection program included and guaranteed credit. we'll pay off your trade, mo matter what you owe. come in and all our tow toll free credit approval hot line at 1-800-848-1000 right now. currently, we're experiencing a strong demand for quality late-model cars. we need your trade, so we're willing to offer you up to 125% of kellie blue book value for
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your trade. we'll give you cash on the spot for your car even if you don't buy one of ours. here's what you should expect and nothing less -- one, to be treated with the utmost respect you deserve, two to receive guaranteed automotive credit, three, to get the exact price you wish to pay and not one penny more, four, to get a new liberty for for less than you're paying now, five, to be able to buy with no money down, six, to save thousands with 0% interest-free financing, and, seven, a total buying expience second to none. if you want a new car, if you need a new car, then head straight to liberty ford on liberty road in randallstown. liquidation pricing must end soon. 0% financing won't last forever. if i told you, you could be driving a new liberty ford by about $5 a day, would you call right now? then pick up the phone and call
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1-800-848-1000. you can drive out in a new ford for about $5 a day. >> let me tell you something, if you've ever had a credit problem, you know the difference between good and bad credit is the way that you're treated. tell me, brian, how was your experience at liberty ford? >> well, if a dealership thinks you may have bad credit, they will spend very little time with you, am i right? it wasn't that way at liberty ford. i was treated with respect, approved for automotive credit, a low payment, liberty for life warranty with no mileage limitation. i ask you, why would you buy anywhere else? if you want to save big money, make the call like i did, you won't be sorry. nobody treats you like liberty ford and no one saves you more. >> jerry springer for liberty ford randallstown. if you need a car, call liberty ford now. liberty ford is the place for instant automotive credit. at liberty ford, you will get $5,000 guaranteed for your trade, instant credit approval
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and liberty for life savings including engine warranty, oil changes, tire protection and more. all free for life. that's a deal you can't beat. 1-800-848-1000 now, liberty ford, ran -- randallstown. >> that pretty much says it all. the liberty ford philosophy is simple, more for less every day. better prices, better service, never any gimmicks. special discounts for state and federal workers, militar personnel, firemen, police, teachers, senior citizens and all union workers. show us proof of i.d. and we deliver what we promised. the lowest price. with truckloads of fords coming in, we have to make room. we're under ford authorization to liquidate immediately with little regard for profit or loss. we have been instructed to accept all reasonable offers without exception. you've never bought this way before.
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to accommodate an expected buyer demand, we'll be open late every night. an unprecedented event, your credit is garn teevmentd zero turndown. past credit proble are in the past -- bankruptcy, divorce, chargebacks, late payments, medical bills and first-time buyers, doesn't matter to us. a you will get a lifetime warranty with the purchase of any new ford or pre-owned vehicle. it covers your engine life, lifetime oil changes, safety inspection, tire rotation, even free car washes, and, now, also, the lifetime tire protection program. during this special automotive liquidation savings event we're offering a $5,000 guaranteed trade for any vehicle, regardless of condition. push it in, pull it in, tow it in, just get it in to liberty ford for a $5,000 guaranteed
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trade-in. there is absolutely no need to drive all around the beltway looking for a great deal. during this authorized liquidation event, our best deal and your very best value is in randallstown at liberty ford on liberty road, home of liberty for life, a lifetime warranty on new and pre-owned vehicles. we offer guaranteed credit. when we make a deal, we'll pay off your trade no matter what you owe. >> give me liberty or give me death! give me liberty or give me death! >> don't let another minute go by. make a call that will change your life for the better, 1-800-848-1000. call now and get a $10 gas card with your credit approval. >> remember, the call is free and can confidential. you will be treated with the utmost respect and courtesy. right now, you can get
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guaranteed credit and liberty ford. we have 0% financing, more than $95 million to lend, and you, the customers, get the rebate. it doesn't get any better. if you're a butcher, baker, candle stick maker, if you have a job, during this dealer authorized liquidation event going on at liberty ford, you can drive the new car of your dreams. i personally invite you to visit my friends at liberty ford on liberty road in randallstown. mention you saw this program and you will receive this 30-piece emergency roadside safety kit just for filling out a credit application. you will want to take this emergency roadside emergency kit with you at all times no matter where you go. it can save your life. it's free. consider it a thank you for attending our giant liquidation savings event. people all over maryland are saying give me liberty or give me debt! hundreds and hundreds of people responded to this liquidation
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event. buyers from everywhere, they come here to get guaranteed credit, where allyou need is a job, pay stub or proof of income. it's that simple. >> zero down, zero interest, and virtually zero turndown. it's really just that simple. the dealer has specifically authorized the liquidation. you will save money. the goal, to sell our entire new and pre-owned inventory immediately. these new and pre-owned vehicles are available to the general public, some below dealer cost, some up to 60% off. register by phone for this special automotive savings event by calling 1-800-848-1000. the over the phone application takes only a few short minutes. you will talk to a knowledgeable and friendly loan officer on site. their sole mission is to get you approved, get you the financing
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(announcer) coming up... it's bridezilla and her sister... the beauty queen. hi, i'm rosyln baker, mrs. texas. (announcer) and don't mess with mrs. texas. you have lost your mind! (announcer) plus, fodawn when disaster strikes... (dawn) oh, my god! ryan just took my mom to the hospital. (announcer) ...tempers flare. (yelling) what the (deleted) are you asking me what is happening for? (announcer) and this bridezilla's dream... something terrible is gonna happen, today. (announcer) ...turns into a nightmare. i'm really freaking out, right now. (announcer) next, on "bridezillas!" ♪ ♪
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(announcer) meet 23-year-old bride to be, dawn. my name is dawn clark. i am 23-years-old. i work for the local city government. (announcer) and her hunky, soon-to-be hubby, jeremy. my name is jeremy teaboun. i'm 26-years-old. i'm a security officer. jeremy and i met, when i was only sixteen, working at a mall. (jeremy) i was a security guard. she was working at a shoe store. the first thing i noticed about jeremy was probably his stature, the way he stood. he's tall, blonde, blue eyes, beefy. we flirted back and forth, here and there. we just, like, became inseparable. (announcer) just because they are inseparable, doesn't mean they always see eye to eye. (dawn) i don't know, if it was love at first sight. it took a while for us to kind of get used to each other.
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it was love at first sight, 'cause we said we loved each other, after the second day. yeah. i don't think you're recollecting, correctly. okay, whatever you say. (announcer) after seven long years of on again, off again dating, these two are finally getting hitched. (jeremy) we are getting married at "sand key park"... on february 17th. on february 17th. (dawn) a beachy, tropical wedding. (announcer) previously... a cake tasting had dawn layering on the insults thick. you're gonna like it, because you like all sweet (deleted) that you can shove in your mouth. (announcer) the berating continued, while jeremy sweated off some water weight. let's go-- keep moving! my wedding pictures must be nice. (announcer) and a heaping plateful of nagging... (dawn) jeremy, elbows off the table. is that where your feet belong? (announcer) lead dawn serving jeremy, an extra large helping of public humiliation. you got me a (deleted) etiquette coach? e-tuh-ket. (deleted) e-ti-quette coach. (announcer) now, with only one day left, before the wedding,
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will dawn be able to transform jeremy into the man she really wants to marry? stop asking the (deleted) stupid questions! i don't even care, if i get married, at this point. (announcer) or, will she become a hen pecking... from now on, just keep your (deleted) mouth shut! (announcer) ...pride wrecking... you need to sit and entertain our guests. (announcer) ...fiancé berating... because you're the idiot. (announcer) ...completely emasculating... jeremy, go back inside! (announcer) ...out of control, bridezilla! stop joking-- it's not a joke! okay. (yelling) so, what the (deleted) are you asking me what is happening for? get in the car! just shut up! just shut up! i thought you were gonna shut up? jeremy, just shut up! don't interrupt me, again. with dawn, everything has to be perfect... no matter what. i wouldn't have it any other way. (announcer) it's the day of the rehearsal dinner, and dawn and jeremy e off to a cheerless night
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of wine and bitterness. (jeremy) does this look okay? you need a belt. do you know where my white strapless bra ? since you're lazy and don't wanna go look for nothing. i'm not lazy, jeremy-- i'm late! you know, we got, like, two minutes to get there? look, i have to look pretty, okay? i understand that we're late, okay? they have to wait for me-- i'm the bride. no one can do anything without me. (announcer) the happy couple arrives nearly an hour after their guests, who gracefully pretend not to hold it against them. hi, everybody. hi, jeremy. hey. how ya doing? why the long face? do you want jeremy next to you? no. (announcer) just minutes into the dinner, dawn's brother quickly assesses the obvious tension and tries to intervene. (dawn's brother) i think dawn needs a shot. do you need a shot, first off, or what? no. no? i'm gonna get a jack and coke, too, after the day i had, today... with dawn. you know what-- make it a double. i had a real bad day, today.
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you're asking for it, tonight. you really are. i'll have to holler across the table at you, and it's gonna be even more embarrassing for you. how's it gonna be embarrassing to me? because you're the one yelling at me. because you're the idiot. (announcer) poor jeremy must suffer, as dawn cranks her bitch-o-meter to high, in front of the entire rehearsal dinner. don't interrupt me. (jeremy) oh, okay. we're gonna be doing the seating chart. (jeremy clearing his throat) place cards... don't interrupt me, again. okay. (all laughing) what? okay! yes, dear. yes, dear-- i won't interrupt you, again. you just keep to yourself. i want you to sit in your chair and behave yourself. your fingernails are dirty! that shows that your hands are disgusting. i'm just pissed off, because, you know, she's yelling and screaming at me, over no damn reason.
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(announcer) a fuming dawn decides to abandon her dinner party, for a private bitch fest with her best friend. i'll be back. where do you think you're going? i need to address my matron-of-honor, in private. (jeremy) hold on a second. (dawn) jeremy? if it's private, then, we're all going with you. you need to sit and entertain our guests. you wanna go outside for a second and breathe? yeah. all right. jeremy's doing the whole etiquette thing. my brother's cracking jokes. it's serious-- this is my wedding! i'm trying to let you guys know what needs to happen, for me to be happy, tomorrow, and everybody's in there laughing. (announcer) the first course begins to arrive, but, still no dawn. so, not wanting the food to get as cold, as the room, jeremy goes out to find what's keeping her. hey. excuse me? we got people in here, waiting to eat dinner. go back inside! we can-we can just-- go back inside! i'll be in there in a minute. jeremy.
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go back inside! i'll be in there in a minute! why? again with the (deleted) why... like you're five-years-old-- go back inside! i'll be in there in a minute. go back inside! tomorrow's about me. not him. me. (announcer) coming up... here comes the bride. arf-arf! (announcer) and her way more together beauty queen sister. hi, i'm rosyln baker-- mrs. texas. (announcer) on a mission to save this bridezilla... from herself. no-no-no-no! (announcer) plus, has dawn's outrageous attitude... get in the car! (announcer) ...finally gone too far? i don't even care, if i get married, at this point, tomorrow. (announcer) next, on "bridezillas!"
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meet the booty dancing bride to be, brandi. i'm brandi mcgruder-- i'm 31-years-old, and i reside in a suburb outside of dallas, texas, called, lankerston. (announcer) and her dancing fool fiancé, mark. my name's mark hofer. i'm 30-years-old, and i'm a bill collector for an auto finance company. (announcer) the couple first met in the midst of a night out on the town. we met at a nightclub. and i'll never forget that night, 'cause he grabbed my arm, and he whispered in my ear, "damn, you got a nice ass." and i looked and i kind of flirted back. i had my lashes on. i was batting my eyes at you. like this... he said, "can i call you, sometime?" and i was like, "sure." (mark) we kept talking, kept communicating, and one date lead to another date and here it is, seven or eight years later. (announcer) after nearly seven years of dating, brandi convinced mark, it was time to settle down.
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mark proposed to me, after i gave him some good lovin'. we were in the bed, and i told him, "you need to propose!" so, he said, "oh, will you marry me?" i said, "yes", and that was it. (announcer) and in just six days, mark is finally going to make an honest woman of brandi. i'm getting married on march the 7th, 2008, at the empire room, downtown dallas. (mark) it's on the 48th floor. gonna be able to see the skyline of the city. i mean, it's a very expensive place. i don't know how we two ended up qualifying for something like this or even getting in there. it was just a blessing, so... a hookup. yeah, a hookup, too. i have this high class taste with, uh, a walmart budget. (announcer) and if there's one thing brandi knows, it's how to be classy. can you get that off the plate? i don't even want that near my other cake. you don't have to put yo' back into it like i do it, 'cause, you know, that's just the way i do it.
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but, whi one do you recommend with fried chicken? brandi's a bridezilla, because she has an arrogancy. she can be feisty, sometimes. got a two-step-- got a two-step. she can get angry at the drop of a dime. it happens at the next part! this is not the part where you start dancing! that wasn't necessary to say. i'm up front. i'm gonna tell you, how i feel, and if you don't like it, you can go kiss my bible. (announcer) so, will brandi be able to pull off her truly high-class wedding, despite her discount store budget? now, all you need is some fried chicken, and my cake and i'll be good to go. they will do what i tell them to do. (announcer) or will she become a bull horn toting... go, two step! (announcer) ...over emoting, ...borderline nasty, ...and anything but classy, over the top, bridezilla! it don't happen at the first stanza! keep the hoes outta your face.
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that is just too ghetto! i put the "b" in bridezilla. like the x-rated movies-- raw and uncut footage. (announcer) with the wedding fast approaching, brandi has a lot on her plate. lucky for her, older sister, roslyn, has agreed to help out. where you goin'? we're going to the cake tasting place. (roslyn) i know! what the-- why you have that on? well, you never know. i never know who i might meet or who i might inspire, so, i just wanna be ready. my sister, roslyn, is currently the reigning mrs. texas united america. so, that means that she is a beauty queen. in all essence, she represents class. i must say my sister's got it going on. what? why did you get that? well, i thought it would just add a nice touch. let me get my coat.
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(announcer) with her beauty queen sister in tow, brandi is about to find out, if she can have her ke tasting and eat it, too. hello. i talked to you about coming to get my cake. my wedding is friday. i want something like this, but i'm on a rl tight, low budget. hi, i'm rosyln baker-- mrs. texas. how are you? i'm brandi's sister. anyway, well, i want to go ahead on, and let me just... okay. okay. (announcer) with mrs. texas muscling in on our bridezilla's spotlight, brandi sits down to sneer through the catalog. now, this is some country (deleted), right here. is she gonna give you some to taste and everything? a real tasting, today-- is she prepared?
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oh, okay. here's some cake for you to try. this is our white butter cream. this is the chocolate butter cream. and this is italian cream. i don't ke italian cream. can you get that off the plate? i don't even want that near my other cake. you can put it on a plate for me, and i'll try it, if you don't mind? thank you. i don't like notalian cream. i don't want no coconuts near me. they just freak me out. (sound byte) aaaahhhhh! ♪ calm down. what-- you didn't eat, today? yeah, i ate-- it's good. i need some water. would you like bottled water? is it a charge? no. would you like one, too? if you don't mind-- that'd be great. thank you. now, all you need is some chicken. i could have my cake. some fried chicken and my cake,
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and i'd be good to go. (announcer) the bakery is fresh out of fried chicken, so, brandi turns her attention back to the task at hand, picking out the perfect wedding cake. oh, this is not a bad one! i don't like that. that look like... the runs. somebody boo-booed. (blowing nose) excuse me. i guess you gonna want your picture up here. oh, yes! as a matter of fact, i brought you one. (suzanne) did you really? i thought you might want one. here we go. (suzanne) awesome! hi! i'm mrs. texas-- united america. i'm roslyn baker. i love her, but, she can get on my nerves, sometimes. and you want me to make it out to who? suzanne. s-u-z-a-n-n-e. with love... roslyn baker. (suzanne) that is awesome! i never go anywhere without one. thank you. now, can we get back on the wedding?
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can you draw me a picture of what you' gonna do? (suzanne) okay. see, the big time bakeries, that's what they do. see, that's what i want to see. give me a design of what i'm getting. you'll have four tiers. this one will be styrofoam, and, um, the rest of them will be real. (announcer) once the wedding cake has been selected, brandi brings up an unusual idea for the groom's cake. um, now, the groom's cake... what i'm looking for is something like a vagina. (gasping) what? and like put a vagina. like, do you do those? no-no-no-no-no! (suzanne) on the groom's cake? (roslyn) no-no! like, saying, like, this is yo' last piece. no! why not-- what's wrong with-- that's ridiculous! no, that's embarrassing. how's that embarrassing? no. that's crazy! (suzanne) will there be little kids? yeah, there will be kids there.
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just family! but, they don't have to come over there. that is gross. that is gross! do that in your own-- the privacy of your own room. well, i want something sexy. no. no! no! can you touch her forehead and make sure she doesn't have a fever, or something like that, because you have to be outta your mind to think of something like that? i thought long and hard about it. i'm sure you did-- i'm sure you did! i mean, i had the design of the vagina and everything. (roslyn) well, that one's definitely out of the queion. okay, go with whatever she says. roslyn, of course, had a lot of input on the decision of the cake. where i just went ahead and just kinda let her make the decision for me, of what i need to get. (announcer) with roslyn at the helm, a more socially acceptable cake is selected. i would do one... like this. this is what i was looking for, and this is the price, and that's why i told ya'll i wanted to come out here to the country,
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because i'm loving, 'lovin oven'. (announcer) dawn has deigned to reemerge at her own rehearsal dinner, and spithis scolding, jeremy is working overtime to try and lighten the mood. you see-- i'm doing my etiquette? (bridesmaid) don't say anything. (man) you gotta give him praise. good boy. sit. you got a treat for me? i don't think it was that good. oh, okay. (announcer) dawn's brother, once again, tries to ease the tension. if not for jeremy, then for the sake of everyone else, at this strangely hostile rehearsal dinner. just relax, all right. just calm down a little bit-- come . (dawn) i know, but, you gotta keep him under control. (dawn's brother) i know-- be nice. you better keep him under control. i will-- he's gonna be fine. hey-- so... now, he's got the (deleted) fork pointed at me. we feel the love. we feel the love with you two. (announcer) it's time for the traditional toast. but, since it's jeremy's first time, he's bound to make a few mistakes.
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we are gonna give a toast to dawn... all right? because she has been through a lot. you have to wait, until he pours it... (champagne cork popping) to toast it. there it is! well, we're gonna give a toast to dawn. jeremy! you have to wait until everybody gets their champagne. thank you. you're welcome. (dawn) do i need to send you back to etiquette school? i think so, yeah. he doesn't even know how to give a freaking toast. i want mine hand-delivered, jeremy. hand-delivered. that a boy. okay, we're gonna make a toast, tonight. we're getting married, tomorrow. dawn's been through a lot, through this wedding, so, you know, i think she deserves a toast, tonight, because she's under a lot of stress. so, what's the toast?
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toast to us having a-a great wedding, tomorrow. (all) yay! cheers! should chug it. chug it, chug it, chug it. (bridesmaid) oh, dawn! see you tomorrow. i'll be there. ten-thirty. should i be there at 10-10:30? what? stop joking-- it's not a joke! ten-thirty's fine. listen to me. ten-thirty. it's not a joke. okay, i'm just telling them... comprende? i'll be there at 10:30. it's not a joke! ten-thirty, tomorrow. (announcer) check, please. but, when the bill does come, dawn discovers she's been stuck with the nearly $1,000 tab. holy (deleted)! well, we never discussed this, before any of the plans were made. no, i know that. nicole's friend was supposed to take care of it. oh! (announcer) dawn's matron of honor had promised to get a deal
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for a discount on the bill, but, she didn't come through. so, dawn is stuck paying full price. at least a $150 tip. (announcer) nicole, meanwhile, has dissolved into tears over the confusion, perhaps fearing the wrath of the bridezilla, surely heading her way. you guys need to step outside for a sec. step outside. the only reason we picked this place, was because a friend of a friend of nicole's was supposed to call in a favor. i certainly wouldn't have picked this location for my rehearsal dinner, if i knew that i would be paying regular price. hey! hey! what are you crying about? nothing. what's wrong? she's all right-- let's go. (announcer) while our bridezilla should be taking her anger out on nicole, she, instead, sticks with her tried and true emotional punching bag. lets go. i'm coming! you want me to bow down to you, too? i want your smart remarks to stop, 'cause it's not (deleted) amusing, at all!
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so, from now on, just keep your (deleted) mouth shut! get in the car! do what? get in the car! get in the car! what the hell? jeremy, just shut up! i've had it with your mouth, tonight! get in the car and let's go! get in the car! god! jesus (deleted) christ! you think you're (deleted) funny, and you're not! you're annoying, as hell! jesus christ! you (deleted) do this (deleted) on purpose. you get on my (deleted) nerves. i feel like i am on the verge of breaking. i am on the verge of a breakdown, at this very point in time. i almost feel like calling the whole thing off. (announcer) coming up... it's brandi's wedding, and she'll shake her booty, if she wants to... do the two-step.
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(announcer) matter what anyone else thinks. plus, just when you thought dawn's night couldn't get any worse... ryan just took my mom to the hospital. (announcer) does. i don't even care, if i get married at this point, tomorrow. (announcer) next, on "bridezillas!"
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i was having trouble getting out of bed in the morning because my back hurt so bad. the sleep number bed conforms to you. i wake up in the morning with no back pain. i can adjust it if i need to...if my back's a little
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more sore. and by the time i get up in the morning, i feel great! if you have back pain, toss and turn at night or wake up tired with no energy, the sleep number bed could be your solution. the sleep number bed's secret is it's air chambers which provide ideal support and put you in control of the firmness. and the bed is perfect for couples because each side adjusts independently to their unique sleep number. here's what clinical research has found: 93% of participants experienced back-pain relief. 90% reported reduced aches and pains. 87% fell asleep faster and enjoyed more deep sleep. for study summaries, call this number now. we'll include a free dvd and brochure about the sleep number bed including prices, and models plus a free $50 savings card. and how about this? steel springs can cause uncomfortable pressure points. but the sleep number bed contours to your body. imagine how good you'll feel when your muscles
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relax and you fall into a deep sleep! i'm not just a back surgeon, i'm also a back patient. i sleep on the sleep number bed myself and i highly recommend it to all of my patients. need another reason to call? the sleep number bed costs about the same as an innerspring but lasts twice as long. so if you want to sleep better or find relief for your bad back, call now. call the number on your screen for your free information kit with dvd, brochure and price list. call right now and you'll also receive a $50 savings card just for inquiring about the sleep number bed. ask about our risk-free 100-night in-home trial. call now for your free information kit and a free $50 savings card. call now! (announcer) like most couples, brandi and mark have planned the bride and groom dance
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to start off the reception. but, much her sister's horror, brandi has choreographed a rather non-traditional booty dance, instead of the more commonly practiced waltz. (brandi) i need to work on this dance routine with mark. the dancing i'll be doing at the reception is a little bit of old school, it's a little bit of new school, and, i mean, i'm rockin' it. we're gonna break it down. (brandi) yeah, he's kind of being forced to do it. he says, "whatever you like." whatever you like. (roslyn) you know, marriage is a give or take relationship. whatever you like. whatever you like. whatever you like. now, bark like a dog. arf-arf. okay. (brandi) okay. (announcer) much to roslyn's shagrin, our bridezilla expects everyone in her wedding party to join in on the dance. (brandi) you gonna look silly, if you don't fall in and do what we're doing. no, i won't look silly. yes, you will. no, i won't. what're you talking about? (brandi) 'cause you not gonna know what to do, then.
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you just gonna leave the rehearsal? i'm not doin' this, if you just gonna leave. that's not the attitude of mrs. texas. mrs. texas is supposed to be, "whatever you like." "whatever (roslyn) you like." whatever-- no, it isn't. no, it isn't. yes, it is. (roslyn) no, it's not. well, why you give me a problem and treat the world like, "oh, hi... "hi!" (announcer) brandi and roslyn are meeting up with the wedding coordinator, who roslyn is counting on to help veto brandi's booty dance. well, roslyn had concerns about my dance routine with mark. uh-huh. (roslyn) can we see what it looks like? to just have an idea. ♪ so, what is mark doing at this point? he doing it, too. (roslyn) uh-uh-- that's too ghetto. you're gonna tell me that the bridesmaids
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are gonna feel comfortable, while they're looking nice and elegant and have long gowns on and heels, doing this ghetto movement. well, you ain't even seeing the vision. you just already, "now, this is too ghetto!" but, you ain't said the vision! you don't have to put your back into like i do it, 'cause, you know, that's just the way that i do it. but, you can do it the way you want to. if it's kind of preppy like, if you just wanna go... and walk off to your seat. it's that harmless. (roslyn) no. i'm not gonna be sitting up there trying to snap my fingers and-- (brandi) can you even try it? but, i don't even know how to do it! you doing a good job! let me get you a beat. snap your fingers. ♪ you scared ♪ ♪ you can do it all by yourself ♪ ♪ let me hear you say, ♪ ♪ hey then you go like this-- you go, "hey!" you can do it preppy. just, you know, how you might wanna go. do yo' wave, you know? so, you trying to be funny. everybody laugh-- that's funny. now, move on.
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(announcer) feeling like roslyn isn't hearing her, our bridezilla pumps up the volume. so, when i tell you that need you to snap yo' fingers, i need for you to do it. it's not a big deal ! they will do what i tell them to do. you have lost your mind! i need to get everybody's attention, 'cause we got to get this thing rolling. you have lost your mind? that-that's ridiculous! but, i need the bridesmaids to be on point. anyway, i'm-- two-step-- two-step. go two-step. go two-step. go two-step. come on! go two-step. okay, i'll be out here, if you're ready. do the two-step. it's like you're trying to put on a concert. i'm not gonna be cussin' 'em out. okay, look-- i'm ready to go. well, i need to put on some pants. (announcer) with her ride ready to go, our bridezilla reluctantly relents, but, she doesn't go quietly. come on-- i gotta go two-step.
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two-step. gotta two-step. gotta two-step. gotta two-step. walk it out. walk it out. walk it out. walk it out. (announcer) after a disastrous rehearsal dinner, dawn arrives home to discover that her mom collapsed and was driven to the hospital. i got back from the rehearsal dinner, and my brother was taking my mother to the hospital. she's having breathing problems. she's got a condition. so, now, it's kind of, up in the air, as far as whether or not, she'll be able to come to the wedding, tomorrow. nicole, ryan just took my mom to the hospital. call me back, please? (phone ringing) what am i supposed to do? what's going on?
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what's-- i'm at home. ryan just took mom to the hospital? what's going on? (announcer) one true test of a healthy relationship, is how in times of crisis a couple relies on each other for support. so, what do you wanna do? what's going on? what's happening? you just saw what's going on. my mom's going to the hospital. okay, what's going on? are we going to the hotel, or are we going to the hospital? what are we doing? whatever. what do you mean "and whatever?" i mean, i-i need to know what's going on. as in what? as in, are we gonna call off the wedding, tomorrow? (dawn) i don't know. well, what the hell? we're-we're at the reception. derrick called her-- she said she was fine. what happened? what-- i mean... (yelling) jeremy, was i (deleted) here? do i know what happened? no! i wasn't (deleted) here! so, i don't know what happened!
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my mom has copd! she is going to the hospital! you know that much! you know that! i know that! so what the (deleted) are you asking me what is happening for? jesus (deleted) christ! (phone ringing) (dawn) hello. (jeremy) i'm really, really, really worried about her mom. i don't even care, if i get married at this point, tomorrow. that's how worried i am about her mom. all right-- let's go. hey. look, look, look. you just got done screaming your (deleted) head off at me, so, don't try and hug me, now, okay? let's do what we gotta do, and i'll figure it out from there, okay? don't come at me with your (deleted) attitude... well, do you want-do you want-- i mean, do we need to-- do we need to try and re-schedule this wedding? and then try and hug me. no-no-no.
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i mean, i want everything to be okay with your mom. well, we'll just deal with it. yes or no? just (deleted) deal with it! stop asking the (deleted) stupid qstions! what i say, is what i mean. so, don't try and repeat me. don't try to say "yes" or "no." okay! what i say, is what i mean. do you want me to carry anything? do you want me to do anything for you? what do you want me to do? i want you to just leave me alone, right now. so... (dawn) jeremy doesn't get it. him and i are on a different level with relationships, and he doesn't get what my mom means to me. i know our wedding is tomorrow, but, that's the most important thing, is your mom, right now. the wedding? it's always gonna be there. your mother? you never know what could happen.
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thanks. i'm just-i'm just telling you. just trying to be there for you. only because you were instructed to be. no. (announcer) after nearly an hour of worrying, dawn finally gets through to her mothert the hospital. (crying) all right-- okay. call me, if anything changes. all right. i love you, too. (jeremy) it's okay, hon-- it's all right. (jeremy) marriage is just a piece of paper to me, you know? so, you know, yes, it's a special day. i'd love to get married, tomorrow, but, if it can't happen... that's the whole deal. if it can't happen, it can't happen.
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(announcer) coming up... when forced into a wine tasting... but i don't like wine. (announcer) ...brandi classes it up, in her own special way. which one do you recommend with fried chicken? (announcer) plus, when this bridezilla is blind sided... something terrible is gonna happen, today. (announcer) ...will she call off her wedding day? find out next, on "idezillas!"
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versus a febreze car vent clip. which comes out on top? we brought real people to the texas desert to find out. it's just nice. very crisp. cool and fresh. that's what i was thinking! fresh. that's exactly what i was thinking. yeah. fresh. fresh. like i could definitely wrap myself in it. [ male announcer ] odors are no match for the febreze car vent clip. another way breze helps you breathe happy.
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into an easy dinner with crescent dogs. just separate, add hot dogs, cheese, roll 'em up, and bake. lookin' hot, c-dog. pillsbury crescents. make dinner pop. so i should probably get the last roll... yeah but i practiced my bassoon. [ mom ] and i listened. [ brother ] i can do this. [ imitates robot ] everyone deserves ooey, gooey, pillsbury cinnamon rolls.
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make the weekend pop. ♪ looks like you started to make something. ♪ oh, a green! ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] cheerios. with flavors your heart will love.
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(announcer) in an attempt to class herself up, before the wedding, brandi agrees to learn a few things about the finer points of wine. roslyn, i, and her friend from engld, want to show me some finer things that i need to be doing with my husband, and we did some wine tasting. i just want you to be familiar with the types of wines to use-- how to hold your glass. but, i don't like wine. i was only trying something, because my sister asked me to. but, i normally drink hardcore liquor. (announcer) this hard edged, hard liquor drinking girl is about to be polished into a fine wine sipping lady, or, at least, that's the idea. i'm glad i already ate. i'm jean-bernard. i'm gonna be your wine master. (roslyn) this is brandi and she's the bride. she needs to be taught the right etiquette. you know, going out with her husband to dinner parties.
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my baby-daddy don't care. he just, "whatever." (jean-bernard)) your baby doesn't care? my baby-daddy-- well, i mean, my future husband. you gonna bring us out some crab claws or something? i am always surprised and shocked with what brandi may or may not say. sometimes, i wonder if she isn't, you know, from the same gene pool i'm in, or, does she-- where does she get these things? (announcer) as the wine class continues, so does brandi's cluelessness. do it like this. put your fingers at the bottom. and go real quick, clockwise, then, counter clockwise. ooh, i look important, when i do this. and then, uh what happens? you make a tornado. i swirl my wine in my glass, because he said that it's supposed to take the, uh... i don't know-- i'm a little tipsy, right now. then, now you can smell it. smell fresh and clean. smell it.
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you breathe some air, slush it around, then drink it, just like this. ooh! look how he... like, you're kind of trying to brush yo' teeth with it. you make it like mouthwash. it actually takes out all the debris and stuff from your mouth. he told us that you needed to sip it... breathe it, swish it around in your mouth, and then swallow it. and then you supposed to feel it here... like this. (announcer) brandi may be learning a lot, but, there's really just one thing she wants to know. which one do you recommend with fried chicken? wine is definitely a required-- an acquired taste. it was fun. i like the sniffing of the wine, and holding the wine glass and-and making a tornado. excuse me, sir. yes, ma'am? i was waiting for a to-go cup. you want a go cup? yeah. to-go cup.
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let me see what i can do. i don't have a to go cup, but what i'll do is, i'll give you a nice glass to take home. that'll work. (jean-bernard) how's that? that'll work. thanks for agreeing to do it and being a good sport. did you learn something? i really did. it wasn't as bad, as i thought it was gonna be. i had a good time. i don't know which one i really liked. it was a red wine-- it was sparkling, and it was cold. val-uh-voo-loo-- vah-luh-voo-lah. vah-lah-lee-see-oh. something. all right, let's head on to the next stop. all right. (announcer) it's the morning of dawn's wedding, and her mother is still in the hospital. one thing no bride could ever plan for. dawn is stressed. she's very worried about her mother. we still don't know, if she's gonna make it to the wedding or not. i don't think she's gonna be able to hold it together, anymore. how many times have i been asked, "what's the worst thing that could happen?" this wouldn't even have crossed my mind.
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look at my eyes. oh, my god! (announcer) over in the groom's suite, jeremy paces, helplessly, not knowing, if the wedding will go off, at all. i'm very stressed out, right now, um, thinking something terrible is gonna happen, today. um, i just want dawn to be happy. that's all. i just want her to be happy on her day. (cell phone ringing) that's my mom-- that's my mom. it's nicole. hi. oh, god! (announcer) dawn's mother tells nicole that the hospital won't release her for the wedding. but, nicole doesn't know how to break the devastating news to dawn. ryan? it's nicole. your mom just called and said she's not gonna be able to make it. who should tell her?
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yeah. i'm feeling hurt, right now, for dawn. her mom is the one person that's always been there for her, and she's not gonna be here for her special day. what's wrong? (announcer) dawn calls the hospital, hoping there's still a chance she might get to see her mother on her special day. are you okay? your health is most important. i gotta have my mom, tomorrow, and the next day and the next day. all right, mom-- well, just get rest. smile-- okay? i love you. (crying) she's a (deleted) mess! i know she's been there for every other day.
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(announcer) after a quick pep talk, dawn pushes on to get ready for her wedding. are my eyes really puffy? kind of. i just can't think about my mom, right now. (nicole) don't even say it. dawn is late. with everything going on with her mom, i'm concerned that she's not gonna show up. everybody's here. i'm gonna throw . no, you're okay. breathe. i'm really freaking out, right now. oh, my god! you still wanna do it? should i just run the other way? we could go to mexico, tomorrow, dawn.
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(announcer) coming up... will dawn desert jeremy at the altar? bye. (announcer) find out next, on "bridezillas!"
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♪ (announcer) dawn decided to show up, after all, and perhaps, out of relief, jeremy dissolves into tears, the moment he lays eyes on his beautiful bride. jeremy's crying. (minister) we're gathered here to celebrate the covenant of marriage between jeremy and dawn. jeremy, will you take dawn to be your wife? ive together in marriage? will you love her? comfort her? honor and support her? and will you devote yourself to her, as long as you both shall live? i will. (minister) and, dawn, will you take jeremy to be your husband? to live together in marriage? will you love him? comfort him? honor and support him? and will you devote yourself to him, as long as you both shall live? i will. i hereby declare that you are husband... and wife. you may kiss your bride.
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(applause) ♪ after everything we've gone through i can't believe we finally made it. you really love me, don't you? of course, i love you. why wouldn't i? (announcer) our couple arrives at the reception, and, while dawn puts on a smile, there is one guest who is missed by all. hi, guys. i just wanted to give you all the official update about my mother. she couldn't make it, today, because she has a medical condition. she's in the hospital. um, but, she's here in spirit, so, we're all happy. (crowd laughing) that's all i gotta say, about that... before i start crying on you guys. i've done enough of that, today. the status of my mom, right now...
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she's still in the hospital. she's probably going to be released, tomorrow. i think that i will probably surprise her, tonight, and go to the hospital in my wedding dress. (announcer) after the reception, dawn and jeremy visit the hospital, for one last wedding wish. we're going to see my mom at the hospital, rightow. we're going to surprise her and give her the corsage that she was supposed to wear at the wedding. hopefully, it won't be too tearful. if you step on my dress on more (deleted) time... (dawn) hi, mommy. (dawn's mother) oh, you wore the dress! (dawn) i was determined to let you see me on my wedding day. (dawn) my mom is great. she was very happy to see me, and i'm glad that i could deliver her flower to he and i feel better, now that she sawe, on my wedding day, dressed like a princess-- feeling beautiful. i feel like myedding day is complete, now. (announcer) so, after visiting dawn's mother,
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everything is back to normal for our happy newlywed couple. it's finally over. it's finally over. i'm just glad you got to see your mom on your wedding day. i know it's very heartbreaking for you. jeremy, shut up! get my dress in the car and let's go. okay. can't you do anything right? (announcer) on the next episode, of "bridezillas," when bridezilla, kristen, battles for the spotlight... i can't believe you're laughing at me. you're upset? (announcer) with her own mother... the girl is an idiot-- she's a freakin' idiot! (announcer) ...will her groom think twice? you just told me you didn't want to marry me. (announcer) about taking this on for life? i'm not happy! i'm done! (announcer) plus, bridezilla, brandi... don't, don't, don't! (announcer) ...shares her cash flow issues with her wedding guests. there will a bucket for you to make cash contributions.
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(announcer) ...on the next episode, of "bridezillas!"
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>> today on "the test"... >> were you married when you cheated? was she pregnant when you cheated? >> we node need to know the truth. >> she says her daughter deserves better >> he ain't worth it. don't let him break your heart. >> lamont says she is a meddling mother-in-law >> she is my wife >> this is my business >> kirk: are you ready for the results of the test? >> she needs to know. >> kirk: today on "the test." [applause] [♪] [cheering] >> kirk: welcome to "the test." i'm kirk fox.
8:56 am
leslie thinks her long time love lamont has trole keep to go in his pants. she found out on facebook that he fathered a child with the hope from the hood. leslie is not the only person with a problem with lamont. leslie's mom thinks lamont is a weird dough with a sex drive that he cannot control. he swears it was only once he cannot help it his sperm is so strong it swam upstream. he says his past as a player is over and his only problem is leslie a meddling mom. we'll find out today when he takes the test. i want to talk to juanita first. she wants leslie to kick lamont to the curb. welcome juanita to the show. nice to meet you. have a seat.
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juanita tell me about lamont >> i have a problem with lamont. i think that lamont is cheating on my daughter. i think that he has made a baby with another woman outside. >> you think? >> you think. the problem is i said to leslie, excuse me language, i said you don't accept a guy that's 30. you are almost 30. with a... and unemployment card in the other. i mean really. at 30, at 30 you need to offer a little bit more than that. i mean she has a job. >> she loves him? >> i believe she thinks she loves him. >> kirk: but you think she should leave him? >> i think she should >> kirk: all right. is lamont the casanova juanita thinks he is? let's find out. lamont come on out. >> we need to know the truth. >> that is bull.
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everything you said was bull. >> which part? >> everything. everything. >> lamont -- >> kirk: how long have you been married? >> we've been married since december. >> ask him why >> kirk: you can ask him >> why? why because i love your daughter. why do you think? i love your daughter >> i would hope -- >> kirk: he would think he doesn't love her? >> do you? >> do you know what love means >> yes, i do. what do you mean do i know what love means >> kirk: are you still cheating on her daughter? >> you think he might be? >> of course. >> you have proof of it? what did you see? >> i hear you on the phone all the time. leslie will say -- >> you all live together >> i stayed at their house for a couple of months. so he is always on the damn phone, right >> kirk: i want to see you.
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>> ok. >> kirk: i want to see both of you >> the thing is is he will try to play it off like he is talking to his mom. he ain't's talking to no mom he is talking to a girl >> yes, i am talking to my mom >> kirk: you cheated once >> i admit that >> kirk: and it produced a child it was a strong cheat >> possibly produced a child it wasn't proven >> he sent her a gift. and was prepared to do more. with his unemployment card. >> for one i was working at the time. so it wasn't like i was unemployed the whole time >> kirk: were you married when you cheated? >> no >> kirk: was she pregnant when you cheated? >> yeah, but i didn't know she was pregnant when it started. sphoor would that have been made a difference? >> yes, it, would have made a difference. no i wouldn't h


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